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The next day we had transfiguration class. Class gone nice. Professor McGonagall also known as Minnie from my mom's story teached as how to transfigure matchstick into needle. I am in the last bench.
I easily transfigured it but I won't say it is my first time. Transfiguration spells needs a lot of concentration and determination to work unlike charms.
I nearly practiced this spell 20 times before I got it right in my dorm.
So when she told us to how to do it I sat silent and when she finished I just like that transfigured my matchstick into a needle.
As the required task for the lesson is finished I let my thoughts to wander. I wonder what my dad was doing?
And after two minutes of thinking about my dad, I decided on using my astral projection.
My body slumped on my bench as my soul started to see what others are doing.
As expected, Hermione was near success. By this rate she will surely turn her matchstick to needle by the end of this class.
I turned my attention to see Minnie only to see she was angrily marching towards my body.
Every one started to see what she is doing.
I quickly went inside my body and sat up when her hand is mid air to reach me.
Professor- " Can I know why you were sleeping in my class, Ms. Strange. "
Gayathry-" Professor, I was not sleeping. I closed my eyes to concentrate on my thoughts. "
Professor-" Sure, Ms. Strange. You didn't sleep, you were just concentrating on your thoughts. But it is transfiguration class and you ought to focus on transfiguration not on your other thoughts. "
Many Sniggering sound were heard.
Gayathry-" Sorry professor to let my thoughts wander but I done it only because I completed transfiguring the matchstick to this needle. "
Now the class was pin drop silent.
McGonagall took the needle and inspected it. After inspection she had a surprised face.
Professor-" Well, Ms. Strange can you try to transfigure it back to a matchstick. "
Gayathry- " Certainly, Professor. "
With that I took out my wand again and many gasp and murmurs spread out. McGonagall silenced the class with her stare which was bloody impressive for me.
She was watching me like a hawk. I smoothly and gracefully waved my hand even though I can do it wandless Or non verbal I opted to verbal now.
The next second the needle was transfigured to matchstick.
Professor-" 5 points to Slytherin. Ms. Strange if you like you can help your friends. "
Gayathry-" Sure, professor. That is even if they even let me to help them."
I mumbled the last line to myself but apparently McGonagall heard it.
Professor-" Ms. Strange stay after class. "
Gayathry- " Yes, professor. " I sighed and looked at Harry. He was not doing good but he is actively avoiding me so I looked around and saw Neville. He was also not doing good so I went towards him. Time to make new friends.
Gayathry- " Neville, right?  I am Gayathry, Gayathry Strange. Can I help you? "
Neville looked surprised and he started to turn red.
Neville-" Y-Yes. I am Neville, Neville Longbottom. I appreciate if you helped me. "
He told in his smallest voice.
Gayathry- " Okay, here you try I will watch so I know where you are doing wrong. "
He tried and I noticed he was waving the wand wrongly and his concentration is not here because his concentration is on self doubt, I can tell by how his eyes as doubt on them and his frown. He had this distanced look.
I sat beside him.
Gayathry- " Okay, Neville. I know what is the problem. There are two problems, one I can surely help you and the second one you have to help yourself. Will you? "
Neville nodded.
Gayathry- " Good, The wand movement is like this. Okay now we practice the wand movement. "
After three times he was now correctly waving his wand.
Gayathry- " The last problem was your self doubt. You should believe yourself. Believe you can do it and follow the wand movements correctly for me now. "
He tried and the matchstick was nearly needle.
Gayathry- " See, you can do it. Throw away the last ounce of self doubt and try the spell. You will surely do it this time."
My tone was very kind.
He did it and the matchstick was now a needle. He can't suppress is excitement and started shouting I did it drawing the class attention on himself. Professor came and inspected is work and gave a approving nod.
I silently made my way to others. But others well even though they are not doing well told me they didn't need my help. Slytherins because I was a mud blood and some of their reason were I am a traitor for talking with Griffindor. Griffindors because I am a Slytherin and Slytherins are evil.
I was fed up of this bullshit. I silently took my transfiguration book and started practicing my spells which would be teached in future classes.
Half way through class, Neville came and sat beside me.
Neville-" T-thanks, Gayathry. Can we be friends? "
I am genuinely happy now. I like making friends.
Gayathry- "yes, Neville we can. And no problem, I am glad I can help. You know you have lot of potential just self doubt. I know saying is easy and doing is tough but try to overcome your self doubt."
Neville-" Thank you, Gayathry. You know there was a rumor that you were unkind. But after knowing you I know it is just a rumor. You know there was many rumors on the first day about you. Is it true, the hat was itself baffled. "
Gayathry- " That, it... It was. At last it put me on Slytherin giving me a valid reason. What is next period for you, Neville. "
Neville-" Defense against dark arts for us. "
As on cue, the class got finished, I sighed and told Neville to leave as professor McGonagall asked me to speak with her.
After the whole class had left, I made my way to professor McGonagall.
Professor-" Today, you did very well, Ms. Strange. I think you know what I made you stay for? "
Gayathry-" Please call me Gayathry professor. Is it for what I mumbled? "
Professor-" That will be informal, Ms. Strange. "
Gayathry-" Atleast when no one's around call me Gayathry professor. "
Professor-" Very well, Gayathry. It is about your mumbling. I heard it. Want to talk about it. "
What made me blurt the truth to her I don't know but I started telling.
Gayathry- " I feel kinda... Lonely professor... Even though I was not around my age group at home, Dad students used to treat me as their friends and many as their own sister. There was always someone to talk to. You said on the first day, your house will be like your family... But I am a mud blood according to them... I don't care about stereotypes professor. But many of them in the school care. Many Other students in other houses don't talk to me just because I am a Slytherin. The twins and lee are my friends but they are older than me.
Today Neville was the only one who talked to me. If they don't like me for my character that would be okay for me but just because I am a Slytherin, they don't like me that is what the problem is.
And mainly I am just upset on Harry. He was my first friend. We promised each other that we would help each other and be partners. After the sorting he didn't even spare me a single glance. He started avoiding me. I don't know professor I am not used to this. I am sorry professor , I must be bothering you... I can't tell this to dad, he will just say drop that and come home because he loves me too much... But I am not complaining.... And there was no one to talk so when you asked me whether I wanted to talk about it... It is like the dam broke.... ( small Chuckle) . "
Professor-" Gayathry, come here. Sit down and have some biscuits. "
I chuckled and took a seat and took a biscuit.
Professor-" I won't say, it will all become alright but know that if they can't see you for who you are they don't deserve you. I knew you were different from many Slytherin who were responsible for the stereotypes. And blood status doesn't mean anything dear. You were the one today that perfectly done the transfiguration and made it look like it was easy."
A chuckle escaped me.She gives this motherly feeling which wants me to share all my secret to her.
Gayathry- " You and me both know a transfiguration spell cannot be accomplished on the first try, Minnie. I didn't have any one on slytherin  to spend my extra time so I started practicing my spells. I found charms relatively easy to transfiguration. This subject needs a lot of concentration and determination. Luckily I am not one to give up easily. "
Professor looked sternly at me for using her nickname Minnie. But I can see a ghost of smile there. She didn't stop me from continuing.
Her expression turned worried when I said there was not anyone to talk to. I just shrugged to play it cool. I looked to see  there was only 10 minutes to next class. I smiled at her and got up to leave.
Professor-" Gayathry, As the head of my house, I allow you to enter Griffindor common room. But you should not cause any problem over there. "
I smiled at her effort to make me happy as possible. I whispered a thank you Minnie and left to my next class.

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