Chapter 1 :

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Tears of A Priority 💥

" While all the time that I was loving you
You were busy loving yourself
I would stop breathing if you told me to
Now you're busy loving someone else "
Mary J Blige • Not gone cry

Mercedes sat in the clinic for the 2nd time in 1 year . Her boyfriend Trey , had given her an STD once again . She couldn't even cry anymore , She was immune to the heart ache that came with loving trey , the cheating issues , the Abuse .. She had grown accustomed to it .

At 18 years of age , she was dating a man in his late 20's & had fallen in love & fell dumb as well with him . A person who couldn't decide between men or women , Love or abuse and dick & pussy .

" Ms.James , this is the second time you've caught an STD . What is going on "? The nurse asked . The girl couldn't be no older than 20 and here she was back for a different std .

" it's complicated , you wouldn't understand . What do I have this time "?

" Chlamydia , I've written you a prescription . Make sure you take the pills as the direction say . Please , take better care of yourself . You are too beautiful to keep being subdued to such harsh diseases ". The nurse spoke running Mercedes hand .

The tears gathered at the back of Mercedes eyelids as she grabbed the paper .

" Thankyou , ". & with that the nurse watched the beautiful young girl exited the clinic hoping to not see her again .


Mercedes laid on her bed after she took the specific amount of medication to get rid of the STD .

Trey had been calling her phone all day to find out what disease he gave her this time , but all Mercedes did was send him to voicemail .

She was past disgusted at this point but knew it was nothing she could do to prevent the inevitable from happening .

Sighing , a tear slid down her face & then dropped onto her yellow body pillow . How much pain could one person take ? It was like she was living a double life . Nobody knew of the struggles she faced in her relationship , her parents didn't even know who trey really was because Mercedes was too afraid to say anything . They only saw a handsome , smart man who treated their daughter amazingly while they were in his presence .

" There's a stranger in my house
It took a while to figure out
There's no way you could be who you say you are
You gotta be someone else
Cuz he wouldn't touch me like that
And he wouldn't treat me like you do
He would adore me, he wouldn't ignore me
So I'm convinced there's a stranger in my house " Mercedes phone sounded for the umpteenth time . It was still Trey calling .

" Hello ", Mercedes decided to pick up .

" What we caught this time "? He asked nonchalantly .

Mercedes scoffed as she broke down sobbing .

" you keep giving me these diseases trey . You don't know you are hurting me ? You are breaking my heart "!Mercedes yelled .

" Enough with the sorrow bullshit . Is it chlamydia "? He asked .

Mercedes shook her head & responded yeah . She had fell in love & fell dumb as well . If her parents knew about this shit , she'd never hear the end of it & Trey wouldn't make it to see the next day .

" I go to the clinic tomorrow , I'm coming over so leave your house door unlocked ". Trey demanded .

Mercedes had regretted telling him her parents went on a 3 week vacation . He was always popping up on her & making her do the most disgusting things .

" please trey , not tonight ", Mercedes begged crying .

" You heard what I said ". & with that he hung up the phone .

Mercedes knew better than to Try to leave the house , Besides .. She had nowhere else to go . Her bestfriend lived almost an hour away & her parents didn't want her traveling to the hood while they were gone .

All Mercedes could do was hope that He didn't make her do weird things or fuck his other lover . She didn't have it in her tonight . Usually she'd do anything to stop the beatings but if he tried anything today ? She's gladly take a beating over anything else .

Jazir :

Jazir laughed as him & Belly cruised the streets in his 2010 Mercedes Benz e350 listening to Toni Braxton's " I love me some him ".

" I love you boy ", Belly smiled playing with her boyfriends ear as he drove .

" Shit , I know . I just spent 5 stacks on ya ass ". Ja retorted jokingly .

He didn't mind spending the money to keep his woman looking good . Shit , everything cost these days & his pockets weren't hurting so he sponsored her a bit .

" You are such a cocky bastard . Where are we going "? Belly asked smiling . Being around her man caused that , she could smile all day with him around . He made her the happiest girl alive .

" You are going home . I'm going to handle some business ".

Belly automatically caught an instant attitude when he said that .

" Why "?!

" Because who else is going to do my job "? Ja asked calmly . He was used to Bellys Tantrums , all he did was remain cool & let her have her bitch fit .

" No ! You are coming in this house with me ! You said we would spend all day together ". Belly said folding her arms and sucking her teeth .

" Look Bellinda , I don't have time for your bullshit . I told you what it is , now you either gone accept it or not . The choice is yours . Either way I'm still gonna do what the fuck I said I was gone do ". Ja responded turning into their driveway .

Realizing he wasn't bending or breaking his answer , Belly dropped her attitude and hopped out the car slamming the door in the process .

" Don't be slamming my shit Belly "! Ja yelled as he rolled the window down . Belly just flipped him the bird and opened the house door .

Ja shook his head & backed out the driveway once again. The streets didn't wait on anyone & he had to get to the paper .


Mercedes cringed when she felt her boyfriends lover wrap her long black hair around his closed fist , pulling her back towards him .

" please ", she squeaked in a whimper .

" Bitch shutup ", Trey roared . He knew his lover didn't like when she talked , the sound of her voice was way too feminine for him and it made his dick go soft .

" It's fine ", the man spoke gripping Mercedes breast in his hands squeezing & kneeling them .

Mercedes closed her eyes , hoping this would be over quicker than usual . Sex while all 3 of them had diseases were not at the top of her To do list , nor was it at the bottom . But she had to do what she had to do if she wanted to make it to see the next day .


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First chapter . Are you guys surprised about what she has gone through ? Leave me comments below .

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