Chapter 22

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Tears Of A Priority

( Pic Of Ja & Some of Mercedes gifts for Christmas)

Fella's tell me why how come we always doing wrong
Doing' wrong
How come we can't keep it home
Keep it home
How come it always ends like this ...even though we know that

It ain't worth telling lie
It ain't worth seeing you cry
It ain't worth ...that's why I'm right here begging you to please don't go cause
It ain't worth killing a home
It ain't worth being alone
It ain't worth that's why I'm right here begging you to please don't go baby

Tank : please don't go 💔

Chapter 22 :

It had been 2 weeks since the blow up at the hospital and Mercedes was finally on her last day of suspension . She missed her patients & just being too busy to think about anything period .

Ja had of course been calling day in & day out but Mercedes hadn't found the desire to pick up .

Christmas was just tomorrow & that made Mercedes sad because of the plans she had with her ex .

A knock at her bedroom door interrupted her thoughts & she told the person it was ok to come in .

" Hey , how's my baby girl "? Mercedes father questioned .

" Hey daddy , I'm fine ".

" You in the mood for company "? He asked .

" depends on who it is ".

" It's Jazir . As much as I dislike him right now , I just want you to hear him out before I have to pop a cap in his ass for showing up to my house at late hours in the night ".

" You can send him in daddy , thanks ". Mercedes rolled her eyes discreetly .

" Okay , I'll be downstairs ".

When Ja peeked his head through her bedroom door , Mercedes couldn't help but roll her eyes . He was the last person she wanted to see .

Watching him enter her room and close the door ,Mercedes say up in bed making her blanket fall from covering her bare breast .

Ja's eyes automatically dropped to her full breast .

" Sorry , forgot I didn't have on clothes ". Mercedes apologized half ass'ed & uninterested .

" I just wanna start off by apologizing . I never meant to hurt you , but I did . I don't have any excuses as to why I did the shit .. But I swear it wasn't because of you . I was so used to being able to do what I pleased with Belly that I thought the same applied to every relationship. But I see now that faithfulness needs to go hand in hand in a relationship if you want it to work . I also wanted to apologize about the cookie situation ... I should've told you , I don't know what caused me not too but I think it was the possibility of you leaving me because I knew how she felt about you . But when I seen those officers handling you so roughly .. It was in that moment that I knew not near a motherfucker was gonna cause you any amount of pain , I had half a mind to pull out and start shooting but that would've been a suicidal mission . Then I realized , I never caused you any physical pain but more of emotional just like those officers did . You should hear how moms cursed me out when I told her you wouldn't be over for Christmas because of what happened . I know you gone need some time to deal with your feelings but please ma .. I'm begging don't shut me out because at the end of the day , I found who I wanna marry & who I want to have my kids ".

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