Chapter 24

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Tears Of A Priority

( Pic of Dede , Mercedes , Ja & Keyauni )

Chapter 24 :

Ja stood on the corner of one of the busiest strips , to see how shit was flowing for some of his workers today . The block was vacant except for the junkies who didn't have a place to stay . Being as though snow covered 90% of the ground and it was about 19 degrees outside .. Nobody was really playing the block today .

" Y'all could go home , ain't shit really popping off and shit moving slow ". Ja told a few of his workers .

" Good looks , my damn hands is number than a bitch ". The group laughed & everybody dapped up and went they separate ways .

" Hey ", Ja heard somebody call & he turned around to figure out who was trying to get his attention .

" wassup "? Ja asked taking in the female standing infront of him .

" I've been dying to run into you , everytime I see you out here it's like I blink and you disappear ".

" I'm a busy man . wassup ma , stop beating around the bush "? Ja asked confused as to why she was stopping him .

" I was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime "? She asked smiling . Her cute button nose turning red from the cold air blowing around them .

Ja thought about it & decided , a few friends can't hurt .. Besides Mercedes had some .

" Give me ya digits and Imma call you as soon as I finish doing what I gotta do ". Ja told her handing her his phone .

" Don't forget Jazir ", the girl winked as she handed him back his phone . If it was one thing Ja had to admit about the girl ? It was that she was fine as fuck .

Glancing down at his phone , he saw her  stored under ' Eyauni ' ( Pronounced E-Yawn-E ) .


Eyauni painted her last toe as she sat listening to NWA from her computer , she was bored out of her mind & her daughter was sleeping beside her .

Eyauni was a 21 year old single mother because her child's father was a little boy who decided he wasn't ready to grow up and be a father .

Shaking her head , Eyauni turned to look at her 3 year old and smiled .. If nothing else made her happy ... Kelsi did .

Searching for her phone all over her bed , Eyauni smiled when the unknown number popped up .. She knew it could only be one person .

" Hello "? She answered .

" Aye man , Imma call you E Iight ? Yo name hard as fuck to pronounce ". He started off making her laugh .

" No it's not , it's E-Yawn-E . What are you up to anyways "?

" Shit , trynna get the feeling back in my hands . What you up to ". Ja asked chuckling .

" laying here with my daughter , Just finished painting my toes ". Eyauni said waiting for him to hang up on her after the bomb dropped .

" You got a shawty ? How old is she "? Ja asked & E could here the smile in his voice .

" Yeah , she's 3 . Her names kelsi ".

" That's wassup , I know if she looks anything like her momma that she's a beauty ".

E couldn't help the blush that spread like a forest fire across her cheeks .

" That was sweet . Look , before we take this any further if you just looking to fuck .. That ain't my style . Im interested In getting to know you ".

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