Chapter 17

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Tears Of A Priority ( Pics of Lavinia , cookie & Tae ) 💃🏾

Tell me what you want for me
Take a look at what you see
Let me know if this right here
Is something you can have for years
Tell me what you want for me
Take a look at what you see
Let me know if this right here
Is something you can have for years

Mase - What you want ❤️

Chapter 17 :

Mercedes pulled her feet into her chestnut colored uggs & bottoned her dark blue H&M jeans . She was running late for her 9:00 hair appointment with Lola & Lola was blowing her phone up .

Lola : girl imma hurt you if you don't bring yo ass on . Pick me up some breakfast too please , McDonald's preferably .

Lola : wokeup l8 . I'm omw now.

Grabbing her Gucci purse courtesy of Ja & her car keys , Mercedes headed out the door .

Lola's HairMania. 💇🏽💆🏽

Mercedes pushed open the glass door to Lola's shop & greeted tiff at the front desk .

" Hey little Ja . You late Ms thang ",

" I know tiff , I wokeup late . I brought Yall breakfast tho ". Mercedes said dropping tiff breakfast onto her desk .

" Thanks light bright ". Tiff thanked . Mercedes just wagged her hand , McDonald's had good breakfast deals .

" Finally . Girl I been waiting for you for forever . Thanks for the breakfast . Go sit in the chair ", Lola directed Her to the back .

After Lola sat her breakfast at her station , she automatically got to washing Mercedes long hair .

" Lola I want to try something different ". Mercedes said .

" Different like what ? Cut ? Color ? Weave "?

" Color . I wanna go blonde ".

" You should've did that when summer was here . Stay black for the winter then when summer comes around again I got you ". Lola spoke massaging the shampoo through Mercedes curly tresses .

" Damn girl what are you mixed with "? Lola asked loving Mercedes curl pattern .

" Nothing , just black . My mom has really nice hair ". Mercedes giggled .

" Must be nice . How you and Ja "? Lola continued her questions trying to make conversation . Every time Mercedes sat in her shop she was just quiet as a church mouse .

" We're good ". Mercedes kept her answer short . She didn't do the " tell all my business thing " .

" That's good . You got a lot of these girls hot because you snatched him right up after his engagement was called off ".

" Really ? Never noticed ".

" Yeah & the crazy thing is .. They don't even know what you look like but most of them are saying they gone give you a asswhooping ".

" I ain't worried , not the least bit ",

" You are so mature it's crazy ".

Mercedes heard a feminine voice greet cookie but she couldn't see her face .

" Hey cookie ". The woman greeted or at least that's the gender Mercedes guessed the person to be .

" Hey vinny boo , you here early ". Cookie replied wringing out Mercedes wet hair .

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