Chapter 21

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Tears Of A Priority :
( Pic Of Mercedes in Mm )

Silly of me
Devoted so much time
To find you unfaithful, boy
I nearly lost my mind

Drive pass your house every night
In an unmarked car
Wondering what she had on me
To make you break my heart, yeah

Listen, boy, I'm a rowdy chick
Some times I have to fight ˜cause my mouth too slick
Baby, why you doing me like I ain't worth this s***
Make me wanna ride passed your house and sit
Kick down your doors and smack your chick
Just to show you Monica not having it
So in love with you like a drug habit get
{So gone} You treat me so unreal

Monica - You make me feel 💔

Chapter 21 :

November & the beginning of December went by fairly quickly for Mercedes . Her & Ja's relationship was pretty solid despite a few arguments & a missed period scare but a negative pregnancy test put their minds at ease .

" Don't look now but the dude from last time is back and he's headed this way ". Sam alerted Mercedes .

Mercedes glanced up from her computer & bit her lip at the fine young man approaching her desk .

" Damn ma , I see how it is ", Calvin spoke with a small smile playing on his thick lips .

" Hey ", Mercedes responded shyly .

" So no call , no text or nothing "? Calvin asked grabbing ahold of her hand .

Mercedes tried to hide the blush .

" I was easily persuaded into deleting your number . No hard feelings , I told you I had a man ". Mercedes politely pulled her Hand back .

" What's wrong with being friends ? I know ya nigga got friends ma ".

" Okay Mr.Calvin we can be friends ". Mercedes agreed .

" So let me have your number ". Calvin demanded sexily .

Mercedes jotted her number down on the back of a piece of paper and handed it over .

" Friends ONLY ".

" Yeah , Friends ", Calvin smirked and walked off .

" He is F-E-E-L-I-N-G you & he is F-I-N-E "! Sam giggled .

" Tell me about it "!



Cookie was so glad that she had the day off . She had been taking off more than she was actually working , to be quite honest . She was feeling sick as hell lately & couldn't stand to do anything but sleep & eat .

" what the fuck been up with you "? Cookie heard her friend crystal ask .

" Nothing girl , just Been feeling under the weather ".

" You sure you not pregnant "? Crystal asked pulling a pregnancy test from her purse .

" I'm sure girl , Ja is extra Careful . He doesn't want kids ". Cookie replied yawning .

" He uses condoms "?

" All the damn time . He's never slipped up ".

" He's smart ". Crystal laughed . Crystal knew any chance cookie got she was going to get knocked up .

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