Chapter 2

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Tears Of A Priority 💍

How did you get here?
Nobody's supposed to be here
I've tried that love thing for the last time
My heart says no, no!
Nobody's supposed to be here
But you came along and changed my mind
Deborah Cox : How did you get here

Chapter 2 : ( fast forward a few weeks )

Jazir unlocked the door to his home in Paterson New Jersey . He could hear the TV playing loudly on the Maury show . It was 9:00 in the morning and he had just got in from trapping all damn night .

He kicked off his silver foam posite sneakers & headed to his bedroom . Belly was hanging off the edge of the bed , sleeping ... As usual .

Ja shook his head , he didn't understand why she quit her job . She had become so lazy & Ja couldn't understand why . She didn't have anymore goals , no more aspiration , no dreams ... Not even a damn dollar of her own . She was nothing like the woman he met in highschool . The girl who couldn't imagine not having a job , not finishing school & quite frankly .. Being a bum .

Jazir was all for spoiling his girl , but damn .. He was damn near her father with all the stuff he did for her , not that he complained because that was the kind of dude he was . His lady was a representation of him . So she needed to look and act like such .

" Belly get up ! Get yo ass up "! Ja spoke sternly shaking her forcefully .

Rubbing her nose & eyes , Belly lazily opened her eyes , regretting opening them in the first place .

" What Ja ? Damn ! A bitch can't get no sleep around this motherfucker "! She fumed .

" You need to get up & look for a damn job . I'm tired of this shit . You sleep , eat & shop all damn day . Get up ". Ja was pissed . The least she could do was at least have a meal waiting for him , A cup of orange juice .. Something ! But all he got was a lazy ass woman sleeping in his bed .

" I can't be tired "? Belly asked folding her arms .

" what are you so tired from ? You don't even lift up a damn pot or broom . Listen .. Get up & get some breakfast cooking ". Ja said holding the bridge of his nose .

" No nigga , you not my daddy . I have things to do today ". Belly screamed .

Ja gave belly a look & she hopped out of bed , stomping her feet to the kitchen .

" & don't be throwing shit in the kitchen ", Ja spoke as he pulled his clothes off & proceeded to shower .

" Shut the fuck up "! Belly mumbled as she flipped the French toast in the skillet . She sure as hell didn't want Ja to hear what she said . He had super sonic hearing or some shit , he never missed a word .


Mercedes was so glad when her body was rid of the STD she had contracted from Trey & his male companion.

The std left no smell , and no long lasting symptoms . Her vagina was back to normal & that made her feel back to normal ... At least for a moment .

She hoped like hell that at least the guy would start taking care of himself & using protection when he was making his rounds with who knows how many other people . Another STD could cause her to not be able to carry a child .

Mercedes jumped when her mother touched her shoulder .

" Sorry to frighten you Honey . What happened to your neck "? Ms.James asked her daughter , her eyes full of fear .

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