Chapter 10

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Tears Of A Priority 💍


I know you've heard I'm a gangsta
They say "Stay away from them gangstaz"
They never change up, or pull they pants up,
Well, baby girl, put ya foot down
Don't let'em push you around, you know what you like
Baby thug, you know wrong from right
You done felt wrong before
This can't be what it feel like
And they don't really know whatcha feel like, for instance
They don't know the difference between real life
And the music videos & the raggedy magazines
That have a nigga look badder than he seems
All they see is my baggy jeans

Beyoncé & Jay-Z : That's how you like it ❤️

Chapter 10 :

Mercedes and Macy laid on Mercedes California king bed as they talked about their life ... Their love life in particular .

" Girl , no good is going to come from dating this man . He's a thug for Christ sakes ". Macy ranted .

She was honestly giving Mercedes a head ache .

" So what he's a thug . He treats me good .. Better than Trey ever did & Trey had a 9-5 ". Mercedes argued back .

" All drug dealers do is cheat , go to jail , get females pregnant & then leave them . You need a 9-5 dude so you don't have to worry about that ".

" Look .. Why can't you just be happy for me ? For once in my life I'm happy .. Genuinely happy & you're ruining it ".

" Cedes look , you're are my best friend & I don't want you to get hurt . That's all this low life is going to do to you .. He's going to change you in the worst way & when he does I'll be right here for you to cry on my shoulder . You know I'm right ".

" I shouldn't have even told you Macy . You're so far stuck up society's ass that you forget all thugs are not the same . They are human just like everyone else . We are from the hood just like they are . We once struggled just like they did .. Only thing is our parents made sure we didn't feel it too long ".

" Okay Mercedes, whatever . I'm out ". Macy said grabbing her strappy gladiator sandals & her purse .

Mercedes didn't even bother to say anything back to her , she'd get out of her feelings eventually because Jazir wasn't going anywhere .. Regardless of what anyone had to say about it .

Once Macy left out , Mercedes began thinking about what She said . For her to have been such a hood princess , she sure was bourgeois. Sometimes Mercedes didn't like that about Macy , she was too far up on her high horse & acted like her shit didn't stink .

" Fuck it , it ain't her business anyways ".

Happy that she was already dressed for work , Mercedes grabbed her yellow crocs & slipped her feet into them . Grabbing the keys to her all white Lexus & her Louis Vuitton speedy purse . She had a 12-6 shift today even though she was supposed to be off , her boss needed her so she was on her way to the money .


Cookie entered St.Josephs hospital for her first shift all week . She had been working at this hospital for the past year & a half , & she loved it .

" Hey cookie ", one of cookies coworkers waved , it was Sam . She was pretty cool & stayed out the mix .

" Hey girl , who's the new chick "? Cookie asked nodding in the direction of the female .

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