Chapter 13

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Tears Of A Priority 💍

( Picture Of Mercedes ) ❤️

And I'm tired
I'm tired
I'm tired
Of being your
(Your) Unofficial girl
Unofficial girl
And I'm tired
I'm tired of trying
(Ooh but I'm still your)
I'm still your unofficial girl
You gotta love me in the light and the dark
You gotta give me, give me
All of your heart
I wanna be your official girl
Said I wanna wanna wanna be your (Be your)
Official girl
I wanna be your official girl

Cassie - Official Girl

Chapter 13 :

Mercedes was back home for the time being , she had missed her parents dearly & they had missed her .

" That big head boy is keeping you gone longer & longer . I think he just might be trynna take my spot ". Tyson said to his daughter frowning .

" Don't be jealous daddy . I'll always be your baby girl but I'm growing up . Give me a hug old man " , Mercedes said with her arms stretched out wide pulling her dad into her arms . Her daddy was her first love , he taught her how a lady should be treated , wiped her tears away , kissed her boo-boos & just about everything else her mom couldn't teach her as a woman .

" I love you princess ", Tyson spoke kissing his daughters forehead .

" I love you more daddy . I gotta get to work though . We can spend the day together when I get off ".

" I can't wait baby girl , have a good day at work ".

" Thanks daddy , bye ".


Cookie sat at her desk , on the phone with her boo . Ja was making her smile so hard & giggle just like a little school girl . Being that Ja was 20 years old & she was about to turn 26 .. She was amazed that He carried himself like a Grown man . When she had first met him at club Sink , she would've bet money he was at least 24/25 . But when she found out he was just 20 years old ? She felt like a pre cougar . But she didn't mind feeling that way for Ja .

" I miss you Ja ", Cookie spoke honestly . Mercedes couldn't help but over hear & think it was such a coincidence in names . She knew that Her Ja wasn't the only one in New Jersey so she didn't trip . She just went back to working .

" what you miss "? He asked purposely avoiding saying he missed her too .

" I'm around a bunch of nosy females babe so let's just say I miss being on my back & just being in your presence ". Cookie said twirling her hair & smiling .

" Imma come through tonight to put you out your misery ma ". He told her in his usual cool voice that sent shivers up Cookies spine .

" Good because I've missed you . You haven't even spoke to me in about a good week , I'm starting to think you got a girl ".

Cookie could hear his deep chuckle & shook her head .

" I'm gonna talk to you later babe . Love you ". Cookie said before ending the phone call . She knew he would never say it back because he didn't know how. Cookie knew Ja cared about her though so it didn't faze her .

" Cookie did you sort the files like Dr.Paca asked "? Mercedes asked . Cookie was supposed to sort it into alphabetical order so Mercedes could insert them into the drawer A-Z .

" Does it look like I did it ? If you want it done pronto , do it yourself . I'm busy ". Cookie said and got up to go to the vending machine .

Mercedes just chuckled & shook her head . She'd just sort it & put it away . She didn't have time to keep running after a grown ass woman to do her job .

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