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Thanksgiving was around the corner, and Ciel was dreading it. He didn't want to be around Elizabeth again. Sebastian sense the Omega's distressed all day, so he finally decided to ask.

"Stressed? Your scents been strong today."

Ciel huffed and laid his book down. "I can't have Elizabeth at that dinner. She's probably still upset about the Trancy ordeal."

Sebastian smiled to himself. "Then tell your parents you don't want her there."

Ciel stood from his chair and moved closer to the fireplace to warm his hands. "Ah, I can her mother's words now. 'Now, Ciel. Elizabeth is part of this family, and Thanksgiving is a time for family.' I feel trapped."

Ciel needed to relieve some stress badly, and what better than to tease his butler? The Omega smirked and called Sebastian's name in a teasing sing-song voice. Sebastian's chest tightened, knowing what the young master was up to.

"Young master, I wouldn't. Not here." Sebastian warned, his face already flushing red.

Ciel eyed the Alpha and ticked his tongue. "Dirty, dirty mind. I was just gonna ask if you wanted to play a game."

Sebastian knew that he was lying through his teeth. but he agreed anyway. Ciel gestured for him to sit. Hesitantly, the Alpha sat down. Ciel reached out and undid the butler's tie, a low giggle sounding from him.

"This game again?" Sebastian grinned, raising a brow.

Ciel shook his head. "Nope, it's a new game. I just want you to be comfortable."

He laid the fabric to the side table. On that table was a bowl of cherries that Ciel snacked on regularly. The Omega picked two up and sat in his usual spot on Sebastian's lap. The butler was used to his master doing this, but everytime, he'd turned crimson.

"Let's see who can tie a cherry stem into a knot with their tongue faster." Ciel suggested, biting one of the cherries off. He placed the stem into Sebastian's mouth, keeping strong eye contact.

"And what does the winner get?" Sebastian wondered.

Ciel thought for a moment, biting off the other cherry. "The winner gets one request of anything from the loser."

Sebastian smirked, laying his hands comfortably on Ciel's hips. The Omega purred at the touch, and Sebastian's Alpha went wild.

"Three, two, one, go." Ceil announced, and they began tying the cherry stems in their mouths.

In just ten seconds, Ciel was finished. He stuck out his tongue to revealed the skillfully tied cherry stem. Sebastian was only two seconds behind him, which impressed Ceil.

"Looks like you need more practice." Ciel taunted playfully.

Sebastian sighed in defeat, "Alright, young master. What's your request?"

The Omega thought for a moment. A mischievous grin grew on his face, which made Sebastian nervously excited. Ciel unbuttoned the collar of his own shirt and pointed to his collar bone.

"I want you to give me a hickey, right here."

Sebastian bit his lip with giddiness. Ciel loved to see the Alpha become eager for power, but he wasn't going to give it all to him.

The Omega ordered, "But only one."

Sebastian pulled the teen closer, and then he realized what game Ciel was playing at. As he leaned in to leave the mark, Ciel released alluring pheromones and triggered the start of Sebastian's rut.


You just committed a crime, which black butler character do you count on to give you a solid alibi?

Damn, this one is hard. I'm gonna say Undertaker cause he's sneaky, and I think he's a pretty good liar.


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