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"Alois, no!" Ciel shouted.

Suddenly, the library door swung open, and Sebastian came storming in. Alois gasped as Sebastian's overpowering Alpha scent hit him. The butler barreled after the Beta and ripped him away from Ciel. The Alpha held the boy by his scruff and bared his threatening canines at Alois, making him screech in panic. With a thunderous growl, Sebastian hurled Alois to the floor. A loud snapping sound and a howl of pain came from the Beta.

Sebastian looked back at Ciel, his gaze still stern. The Omega had dropped to the floor, heavily breathing and whining for touch. Sebastian had high control over his drive, but he'd be lying if he said that Ciel's scent didn't drive him mad. The Alpha kneeled next to the struggling teen and held out his hand.

"Alright, I'm bringing you home immediately." Sebastian declared as Ciel crawled into his torso. 

Ciel couldn't speak, and Sebastian's Alpha side was going wild. The butler's scent was growing more dominant despite his controlled behavior. Ciel grabbed onto his tie and yanked him down to his eye level. 

"A-Alpha," Ciel muttered out in a plea. 

Sebastian almost cracked at that moment, but he picked Ciel up and carried him out of the manor. Vincent and Rachel came running out at the smell of Sebastian's Alpha pheromones. 

"Sebastian," Vincent gasped, looking down at his whining son. "What happened?"

"I'm afraid he's having his heat. Alois tried to take advantage of him."

Vincent's eyes widened as his canines began to bear fiercely. Rachel took a step back, knowing that her husband was about to go into his entire Alpha side. The earl spun on his heel and fumed back inside of the manor. 

"How are you feeling?" Rachel asked, hoping Ciel's scent wasn't affecting the butler too much. 

Sebastian smiled, adjusting Ciel in his arms, "I'm fine, ma'am. I'm in full control."

Rachel was pleased with Sebastian's composer despite being taunted with Omega pheromones. She looked at the front door, searching for any sign of her husband; however, Vincent was nowhere to be seen. 

"Sebastian, can you go ahead and take Ciel home? I think he's going to be a while." Rachel sighed, laying her head on Ciel's. 

"Of course, my lady."

Rachel watched as Sebastian carried Ciel into the carriage and rode off. Just as they were out of sight, she ran back in to find her husband. Vincent's scent was easy to follow to the library. As Rachel peered in, she saw Vincent scolding Alois. 

"Don't you ever come near my son again, you mongrel!" The Alpha seethed, holding the Beta up by his collar. "If you even come anywhere near him, you'll get more than a broken arm!"

Elizabeth was standing in the corner, trembling and sobbing from fright. Rachel went to comfort her and guide her out of the room. Although he was a Beta, Alois was releasing an intense fearful scent, which was only empowering Vincent's anger. Rachel brought Elizabeth into the hall and closed the library door.

"Oh, my poor dear." Rachel cooed, pulling Elizabeth into a hug. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

Through her sobs, Elizabeth cried, "W-Why does C-Ciel always o-overshadow me?" Rachel felt bad for the girl because she wasn't wrong. "I-I'm the girl! I-I'm the cute one!"

Rachel tried to shush her, but Elizabeth was livid at her cousin. 

"I wish Ciel was dead!"


Would you rather play chess with Ciel or feed stray cats with Sebastian?

Feed stray cats with Sebastian, definitely. I suck at chess.😭


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