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"I'm worried." Rachel told her husband. "They left with that Beta and that drink."

Vincent was struggling himself. "Should I look for them?"


Vincent excused himself and went in search of Sebastian and Ciel. He caught the scent of an angry Alpha and followed it. He found Ciel outside of the kitchen door, glaring inside. Growls and crashing could be heard.

"Ciel?" Vincent gasped.

The man peered in to see Sebastian and Grell clawing and biting at eat other. Vincent moved to stop them, but Ciel stuck out his hand. He stared at his son, confused on the whole situation.

"The Beta poisoned my wine." Ciel explained. "This is more for my sake."

Sebastian lacerated the butler's chest, but Grell came back with a hard right hook. They were strong for a Beta, that was for sure.

Finny, Mey-rin, Bard, and Tanaka stood behind Ciel. He ordered them to stand back and let the fight happen despite their eagerness to kill the Beta. They were guilty for not noticing Grell poison the drink. It had to of been a time when they were all busy.

"I know who hired the man." Ciel stated nonchalantly.

"Who?" Vincent asked, rage building.

"Elizabeth Midford."


Lady Red sniffed the air, and over the food, she smelled an aggressive pheromone. She leaned over to her sister.

"Is that Vincent that's fuming?" She hinted.

Rachel sniffed the air, and her shoulders visisbly tensed. "What happened with that Beta?"

Vincent then reappeared, reeking of rage. If it was for the food and distracting conversations, everyone would have noticed. Elizabeth and Alois leaned over nervously. They felt the Alpha's eyes burn into them.

He quickly made his way over to them, and with a stern whisper, her ordered, "You two, come with me this instant."

"Is there an issue?" Alexis, Elizabeth's mother, asked.

Vincent smiled to her, "Ah, just need to borrow them for a moment. Please excuse us."

The Alpha grabbed their wrists and guided them towards the hall. Rachel released a pheromone to catch Vincent's attention. He looked back at her with a raised brow.

"What is happening?" She mouthed to him.

Vincent called over Agni and whispered, "Tell Rachel that I have serious business to handle and to stay and entertain the guests while I'm gone. I'll be ten minutes."

"Yes, Lord Phantomhive." He replied.

Ten minutes was all he needed.

Once the doors were shut behind them, Alois broke out into a panic. He backed away from the growling man.

"This was all her, I swear." Alois revealed, laying his nonbroken hand over his arm cast. "I didn't even want to come here."

Elizabeth huffed sarcastically, "My oh so strong Beta. I knew I should found an Alpha!"

Sebastian grabbed Elizabeth's wrist and yanked her towards the back near the kitchen. Alois took his chance to return to the dining room, acting as if nothing happened.

He was done with Elizabeth, only saying he'd become her mate to get close to Ciel. Clearly, that didn't turn out too well.

Only God could stop the hurricane of trouble the Omega girl was in.


Would you rather: Plant flowers with Finny, or cook dinner with Bardroy?

Maybe cook with Bard, cause I'm dying to know how to use a flame thrower!


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