Four Hours

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That would be James, bellowing at me the instant I climb through the portrait and into the common room. There he stands, a broad grin plastered across his face and one arm slung around Remus, who flashes me a sheepish smile from his place at James's side.

My eyes widen at the sight of the two of them, at the realisation they've been waiting for me to return, and track from their faces downwards. And that's when I see it: Remus's hands, holding out a small tray of fairy cakes.

"I - what's all this?!"

Stepping forward, I quirk an eyebrow as I draw closer for a better look.

Approximately two dozen fairy cakes, all crammed together on a serving tray. For decoration, they'd applied a light layer of frosted icing: a decidedly unappetizing shade of pink - one might best describe it as pink bismuth coloured. And either they hadn't known or hadn't had enough time to wait for the cakes to cool sufficiently, because small rivulets of pink were running off the tops and down the sides in steady dribbles.

"A special surprise, that's what!" James croons proudly.

"Huh ..."

"That's what I said, too."

Sirius's amused voice, lilting up to me from his perch on the nearby sofa.

Turning my head, I smile at him and Sirius winks back. Seated beside him, legs crossed and staring up at me intently, Pete. And though it feels uncomfortable, I force myself to meet his gaze as I attempt to give him the same warm smile I've just flashed Sirius. He returns it with a curt nod, lips drawing in a tight, thin line.

Ok, well. Back to the matter at hand, then.

My eyes find their way back to James and Remus, "So, um. Why in Godric's good graces ...?"

"Ah, yes. You'll be wanting an explanation. Here, it'll all be clear in an instant! Look!"

Pulling his wand out of his pocket, James gives me an excited smile as he points it at the tray.

- Pop -

- Crackle -

The tray rises up out of Remus's hands and hovers shakily in the air as letters begin to appear and sparkle in bright green icing.

"What in the -"

Slow, looping script spells out the following sentence, one letter per fairy cake:


That's it, nothing more. Yes - three quarters of the word trouble, and they'd left it at that. The letters flicker erratically.

Remus, watching me closely as I eye the tray, mutters apologetically, "In case it's not evident, we ran out of time; thought you'd be out longer. 2 dozen fairy cakes, though. Not too shabby, I'd say - all things considered -"

Sirius begins to cackle wildly now as he sits up beside me, clapping his hand on my back, "How's that for a Moony-Prongs production? Pretty classic, huh?"

Biting at my lip to stifle my laughter, I continue to stare at the tray.

Poor Remus shakes his head wildly, "Now, now! This is clearly 99% a Potter thing - leave me out of it - I was only drawn into it by association, by obligation, and -"

Sensing I can tease him a bit, my eyes flit upwards as I nod at him, "So does that mean you're not apologising, Remus? Just James?"

"Of course I am! I just - it's just - well, do you see this - this - monstrosity?!"

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