You and an Empty Sea

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"So Dora wrote to you, Reg?"

They've moved from the doorway to the large, airy atrium just beyond, warm Mediterranean sunlight filtering down through the dome shaped open air ceiling above them. Here, large marble columns dot the periphery of the room, each covered from base to crown with crawling ivy. All around them an assortment of the island's famed maquis vegetation, flourishing in the semi-sheltered environment of the atrium. In the very centre of the room, a eucalyptus and a juniper tree, growing together as their branches entwine. And between each column, large beds filled with a heady, fragrant mix of rosemary, heather, sage, mint, thyme, and lavender, each thriving and spilling out their containers, leaving long, tangled trails down to the floor itself.

This is a place made for the likes of Pandora and Xeno;

A place far more enchanting, far more dreamlike than the waking reality we're accustomed to;

A place which shirks the definition of the mortal realm.

Such are Regulus Black's thoughts as he breathes in the woodsy, herbal fragrances and feels the faint but unmistakable pulses of old magic in the air all around them.

There's just such great beauty and power here -

Turning slowly, he continues to survey the atrium with a quiet, appreciative awe. As he passes a small potted myrtle, he lets his fingers skim lightly against the pale crepe paper petals. Then, turning his gaze towards Amycus, he can't help but note how unmistakably dour and frazzled Amycus Carrow seems, how out of place he looks in these tranquil surroundings.

"... Wrote me, yes. Sent a letter by owl late last night asking if there was any way I could come to support her during this difficult time."

Pausing, Reggie glances at Evan, who meets his gaze and nods. Then, he continues, "Evan was with me, since I'm spending the summer at his. And figuring as Dora hasn't seen him in so long, I thought perhaps it'd be a nice surprise for her if he accompanied."

Narrowing his eyes at this, Amycus continues to study Reggie intently. Finally, he echoes back softly, the faintest hint of displeasure detectable in his tone, "... She wrote you."

"She did."

"I see."

"And you, Carrow?"

Shrugging, Amycus begins to slowly orbit past a large planter filled with fragrant mint, one he doesn't even give a passing glance, "I arrived two days ago. Took it upon myself to come here as soon as I became aware of Dora's predicament."

Something about the way he says this gives Evan, hitherto silent, a moment's pause. Crossing his arms, he tips his head towards the taller boy, "... And Xeno? How is Xenophilius? Because the articles The Prophet's been running -"

"- Xeno. Mmm. I have not seen Xeno."

... I suppose ... that's an answer?

Certainly not the sort I'd expect ...

Shaking his head, Reggie's grey eyes widen sympathetically, "So terrible for them both. And do you - does Pandora - have any idea ..."

"- None. None at all. A complete mystery, the whole event."

As Evan continues to study Amycus thoughtfully, Reggie gestures all around them, "The place itself, astoundingly beautiful. But so very quiet."

"Right, well ... Rheda's out. Everyone else is resting."

Hesitating, he finally shrugs before continuing flatly, "... Xeno appears to be, at this time at least, out of the woods."

"Well that's fantastic news!"

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