Beyond Your Reach, Just as He's Always Been

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The Rosier Family Estate (England).

Late Autumn, 1967.

He made her wait until midmorning the next day.

He did that so his rage could build.

He did it to draw out her suffering, her panic.

He did it because he's a complete and unforgivable monster of a man.


... Having been forcibly contained in her and her husband's bedroom, Toinette Rosier very nearly lost her mind in the hours that followed her and Wesley being discovered. And when Achille Rosier finally stepped through the door to her, she was a woman completely on the edge.

"Where is he?"

The first words out of her mouth as her eyes meet his. As she speaks them, she attempts to ignore the aching pain she feels radiating off of the tips of her fingers, now angry and bleeding from her having nervously bit her nails down to the quick.

For a moment, Achille Rosier refuses to speak. Instead, he tips his head slightly to the side and stares at her coldly. Then, clearing his throat and straightening up, he takes a step towards her, "... Awaiting my immense displeasure, that's where."

He's going to torture the man.

He'll torture him to the point of irreversible insanity by means of the Cruciatus Curse.

He'll do it slowly, and he's going to enjoy absolutely every moment of it.

Just prior to this, he met with the book keeper of their estate. It was a short meeting, one where Achille received a personal guarantee that any and all mention of an employee named Wesley Jensen would be permanently destroyed, erased.

As far as anyone here knows, no one named Wesley Jensen has ever existed.

A flood of rage the likes of which she's never known before now coursing through her, Toinette Rosier rises to her feet in the same wrinkled gown she'd donned the evening prior, "You will not hurt him, Achille!"

"It's already good as done. You're wasting breath."

"Where's Evan?"

"Beyond your reach, just as he's always been."

Those words hurt more than any other he could ever say.

And so, when he takes another step towards her, Toinette lifts her arms forward defensively and thrusts out her chin. Aware that she's got nothing left to lose, the blonde witch begins to unleash on him.

She'll hold nothing back -

Not anymore -

"It's pathetic. You're pathetic. A grown man who's jealous of a seven year old child. And his son, no less."

"And why should I not be? When we've a whole house filled with help to care for him, to raise him. A situation specifically created so as to leave you entirely for me."

"I don't want to be 'for you.' I don't want you. I never have, and I never will."

"It's not your choice."

Her entire body shaking, she holds strong, "... I'm going to leave. I'm leaving you, Achille. And I'm taking Evan with me."

Another step forward. If he wanted to, he could now reach out and grab her.

"And how's that? How will you do such a thing? You, a helpless, silly little witch. Barely capable of anything at all."

"Watch me."

And with that, she dares to move past him. Past him, and towards the door. She'll go to Evan immediately, and they'll leave this place. She'll carry him on her hip the same way she did when he was just a toddler. He'll throw his arms lovingly around her neck, and they'll be gone.

Achille doesn't try to stop her. He lets her walk past him.

But she was doomed from the start. Doomed when she mentioned her own attempt at leaving. And when she mentioned Evan ...

... When she mentioned Evan, she sealed her fate completely.

Eyes narrowing hatefully, Achille Rosier watches in silence as his wife continues to hurry forward towards their bedroom door.

As he studies her retreating form, he considers the way her back's fully turned. Considers the way she's shaking so pathetically. Finally, he savours in the cruelty of letting her hand touch the door knob.

And then he acts.

Just before she can turn the door knob, he reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his wand, pointing it at her.


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