Bennie and the Jets

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April, 1978.

The three of us, together on the sofa in the attic. And as I lay between the two of them, my head in Evan's lap and my legs splayed across Reggie's, a feeling of indescribable peace washes over me.

Smiling knowingly, Evan leans in and whispers, "... Told you we could do it."

"For the record, I never had any doubts."

The three of us, laughing then staring at one another, each of us hopelessly enamoured.

Turning to Reggie, Evan reaches over and gives his hand a squeeze, "Your turn next, Reggie, seeing as she and I have both seen our share of stars today."

The softest smile at that, and a wave of his hand, "... I get the most pleasure from watching the two of you, from giving to the two of you."

"Still ..."

A laugh from Reggie as he glances between us, "If it happens, I certainly won't fight the two of you on it. Far from it."

More shared laughter, then silence as we relax together like this.

Finally, Reggie reaches out and squeezes my thigh lightly, "... Y/N?"


"... What are 'shed plants?'"

I begin to shake with laughter despite myself -

It's just too cute not to!

Blushing at my reaction, Reggie smiles back, "Well? What are they?!"

"They're - they're -"

Evan, apparently completely confused, glances between the two of us, "What's what now?"

Another laugh from me at Evan's reaction, "He's referring to the conversation earlier from the kitchen, when in passing Elliot mentioned Liam being in the shed with the plants."

Shrugging, Reggie's eyes meet mine, his expression one of pure curiosity, "It's just - I've never heard of such a thing, so I've been wondering if all muggles keep shed plants or -"

"No, not all. It's ..."

How to begin to explain?


Suddenly, an idea dawns on me -

If they're up for it -

No pressure their way, of course -

Laughing, Evan leans forward, his face hovering above mine, "What are you smiling about?"

"Here, one sec, I'll show you -"

Kicking my feet down to the floor, I rise and nod at them, "The plants in question ... I'll be right back ..."

Leaving the two of them there, I descend the stairs and run down the hall to my bedroom, into my closet. Grabbing the faded orange shoebox I keep on a shelf, I tuck it under my arm. Upon returning, I find the two of them waiting patiently, expressions of amused confusion on their faces.

"Alright, so ... here, see?"

As the two of them make room I fall back onto the sofa between them and lift the lid of the box for them to see. Inside, a large plastic bag filled with the tiny green nuggets, a small set of papers, and a box of matches.

Leaning in for a closer look, Evan sniffs at the box, "Whoa -"

Reaching his own hand forward, Reggie tentatively lifts the bag up, "So these are shed plants?"

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