March, 1976

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The Selwyn Family Estate.

March, 1976.

He goes looking for her, just the same way he always does.

After all ...

She has the most uncanny way of floating off and flitting away.

"Perhaps," he thinks to himself now as he slowly winds his way through the labyrinthine series of halls, "Perhaps this way...?"

Upon hearing the sudden sounds of approaching footsteps, he stills then quickly dashes behind a large marble column, peeking out to watch as a group of intoxicated witches and wizards stumble and giggle past together.

And when it's quiet again, when the sound of their retreating footsteps has faded fully ...

... When he's certain he's completely alone again, he continues along.

Suddenly, a thought dawns on him:

... It's a warm night ...

Mid March, after all; the tail end of spring holiday.

And of all people, she'd be the first to shirk a party in favour of the moon's company.

... Even if it's her own party ...

And then a shy smile -

Perhaps especially if it's her own party.

Before he knows it, his feet have carried him all the way to the far end of the manor.

Glancing around once more for good measure, he sighs to himself and slips out onto the back terrace.

... Onto the back terrace, down the stone stairway, and towards the gardens ...

Sure enough, he doesn't have to walk very far before he sees unmistakable evidence of the one he seeks.

There, set neatly down upon a stone bench beside the entrance to the hedge maze, a pair of lady's shoes.

Light pink silk slippers, with just the smallest heel, delicate bows adorning their tops.

As he nears, he smiles softly at the sight of them, smiles at the knowledge that his hunch was so dead on.

Slowing just the slightest bit, he bends as he passes by, effortlessly scooping the shoes into his waiting hand and continuing along.

Only her ...

Only she can lose her shoes so easily.


Does she lose them accidentally or abandon them on purpose?

That's her secret, and he's never gotten a straight answer.

Either way, it's her habit.

It's her.

A full moon, and as he continues along its lavender beams shine brightly down on him.

It's a good colour on him, the way it plays against his handsome complexion.

Just like his twin, dark skinned,

Though he's just the slightest bit darker.

It's a stunning skin tone; a warm, deep brown -

The sort with the most subtle honeyed undertones.

He's a tall boy, the tallest of his group. But even he's not tall enough to see over the towering hedge maze he now enters.

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