Chapter 27 ✔️

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A couple of days had passed since the trial, Harry was slowly getting his popularity back, along with Ron apologizing to him over the ways he had been acting. We sat in Professor McGonagall's class, where she had something to announce. 

"The Yule Ball is approaching - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above - although you may invite a younger student if you wish- " Lavender giggled loudly from next to me.

"Dress robes will be worn, and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Now then the Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to - er - let our hair down," She said, sounding annoyed. Lavender giggled even louder.

"But that does not mean that there will be any relaxing the standards of behavior we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way." She finished.

"Professor McGonagall!" I said, almost jumping off my chair. 

"Yes, Ms. Potter."

"I don't know how to dance." Professor McGonagall eyebrows furrowed, frowning.

"What does that have to do with anything?" 

"Well, I don't know how to dance, and neither does Parvati nor Lavender-"

"Ye- " I stepped on Lavender's foot with my heel, hard.

"No, I don't," Lavender choked out.

"See! How are we supposed to um... be like the other schools if we don't know? I bet none of the boys do either. I think we should have a quick, hour dance lesson." Professor McGonagall stared at me for a second, the boys looked uncomfortable, but I didn't care. 

"I mean, I don't want my date stepping on my toes, or me stepping on his," 

"Yeah, she's right," Parvati added, I smiled at her gratefully. 

"Very well. We will have a quick dance lesson tomorrow afternoon with the other houses." Professor McGonagall signed. 

"Thank you, Professor." I said as the bell rang. I stood up, grabbing my bag off the chair, waited for Lavender and Parvati to stand up. 

"Charlotte, why did you suggest a dancing lesson?" Parvati asked, once we left the classroom. I shrugged in response.

"Cause I don't know how to dance." I said, which was true, but not entirely the only reason. I had watched the dance lesson scene so much; I adored it and needed it to happen.


"Now, when the music starts- "Professor McGonagall told us the very next day. All four houses were gathered in the great hall. I, including the rest of the girls, we were jumping in our chairs, but the boys were trying to make themselves smaller. Professor Snape was hiding in the corner, behind an old phonograph. 

"The gentlemen will put their hand on the girl's waist, and the girls will put their hands on the boy's shoulder. Professor Snape, will you come up here and help me demonstrate?" Professor McGonagall finished, she turned around from her spot in the center of the room and stared at Snape who looked ready to run out of the door.  

"No, but I think Weasley would love to."

"Which one? There's three." Fred called out.

"Mr. Ronald Weasley."

"Excellent idea, Mr. Weasley, come up here." Ron, whose face was bright as his hair, walked up to Professor McGonagall. Fred and George started cheering.

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