4-Running Away

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As I hastily gathered my hair into a messy bun, securing it with an elastic band from a nearby drawer, I also pocketed a fork as a makeshift weapon, just in case. My next move was to approach the window, only to find it locked, as I had expected. Even if it weren't, I knew I couldn't escape that way, being on the top floor. My heart raced as I peered down through the glass.

With the window ruled out, my hopes shifted to the double-locked door. I pushed against it with all my might, but it didn't budge. 

My gaze swept the room, finally landing on a small air vent in the ceiling. A glimmer of hope sparked within me. I carefully climbed onto Julia's drawer to reach the vent, my heart pounding so loudly I feared the guards might hear it. As I opened the vent, dust burst out, and I barely suppressed a sneeze.

I hoisted myself up and crawled into the cramped space, where the air was stale and I couldn't even turn around. The further I crawled, the more dust I inhaled, forcing me to stifle another sneeze. My lungs felt constricted, and my knees scraped against the dusty surface.

I got this, I encouraged myself, biting my bottom lip. I'm doing great.

I continued to crawl, panting and sweating profusely. Even wiping the sweat from my face was a struggle. My body burned with heat, and my back ached in agony.

As I crawled further, my strength began to wane, my arms feeling like limp sticks. I was desperate to avoid suffocation. Suddenly, I spotted a glimmer of light through one of the vent exits. I gasped with relief.

Just as I neared the exit, I heard voices below. My body froze, my outstretched hands trembling in place. Sweat rolled down my forehead as Harry's voice rang out, "Your Majesty! Her Highness has disappeared!" I waited with bated breath for the Emperor's response. Oh gosh.

The silence that followed was deafening. I could imagine the Emperor's piercing gaze fixed on Harry. Finally, Harry spoke up, his voice barely audible, "I-I think she might have escaped, Your Majesty."

The Emperor's deep, cold voice was laced with anger as he asked, "How?" 

Harry's hesitant response was followed by the sound of the Emperor's fist slamming onto the table, causing the glass cups to rattle. 

"Since when were you so irresponsible? Is keeping a woman locked up so hard? Couldn't you have sent some guards to guard her?"

"I-I'm sorry, Your Majesty. It won't happen again!"

"What are you doing, just standing there? Go search for her and bring her back!"


I have to leave quickly.


As I emerged from the sweltering chimney, my exhausted body screamed in protest. The heat, sweat, and thirst had taken their toll, but I summoned my last ounce of energy to haul myself onto the palace roof. I collapsed onto the cool tiles, my back pressed against the roof's surface, and felt a gentle breeze sweep away the strands of hair stuck to my sweaty face.

Finally. I just need to get off the palace roof and...

Just then, a familiar voice boomed, making my heart skip a beat. "Have you found her yet?" Harry bellowed from below, directing his search party with urgency. I peered down, my hands grasping the roof's edge, my feet digging into the tiles to maintain my balance. I watched as Harry turned away, oblivious to my presence just above him.

I slowly jumped onto the second roof of the palace, closer to the ground. I watched as Harry's waved his hand and led a group of guards away. 

My gaze fell upon the ground below, and I couldn't help but wonder: would I survive the jump? Would I suffer a fatal fall, or merely break a limb?

Just then, my eyes chanced upon a heap of abandoned hay stocks. Someone must have left them there. Would I survive if I landed there?

Taking a deep breath, I brushed a stray lock of hair from my face and took the plunge.


The impact was jarring - I landed with a thud in the hay stock. A wave of pain surged up my leg, leaving me dazed and coughing, with hay tangled in my hair and mouth.

For several minutes, I lay there, panting and struggling to clear my vision. When my eyes finally focused, I attempted to push myself up, only to be met with another searing jolt of pain. I whimpered.

A glance at my leg revealed that, mercifully, no bones were broken. However, I suspected my ankle was badly sprained.

Gritting my teeth, I hauled myself up, dragging myself forward despite the agony. I couldn't afford to stop now - the consequences of being caught would be dire. The emperor's wrath was not something I wanted to face.

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