Nighttime Cravings

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wc: 653

do y'all like the new cover? I slapped a title and author on it :)

hope y'all enjoy this fluff :3

The clock read 1:43 AM. All was quiet throughout the apartment building. Impulse's snores were not, but you eventually got used to that. 

Tango's eyes were wide open. He wasn't the best at sleeping, and especially not today, when he desperately was craving an orange.  At this point, he didn't even question it.

He glanced from side to side. Zedaph was in the bed to the right and Impulse was to the left. Tango slipped very quietly out of bed, having done it many times before. He grabbed his laptop on the way out.

The lights were still on, the three of them always forgot to turn them off at night and paid the price when the electricity bill came. Tango found an orange in the fridge, peeled it, and broke it into slices. 

He sighed. Tango should really stop doing his homework at 1 in the morning, but strangely it was the only time he was able to work. Although he often found strange mistakes his sleep deprived self had somehow made.

"Time to start redstone homework," he grumbled to himself. Tango rubbed his eyes, popping an orange slice in his mouth. It was sweet, cold, and juicy, quenching his thirst. 

Tango stayed like that for a while, eating orange slices (he kept getting more) and working on his homework. 

When the clock read 2:17 AM, a very sleepy Zed stumbled into the room. 

"Why izzit so bright in here?" he mumbled, exhaustion practically dripping from his words. Zed fumbled his hand against the wall for a few moments before turning off the lights.

"Hey!" Tango protested. "I was doing my redstone homework!"

Zed turned on a lamp. "At 2 in the morning?" he questioned, seeming much more awake. He sat down and took a slice of the orange, placing it in his mouth before Tango could protest.

"I always do my homework at 2 in the morning," Tango replied with a grin, tapping his keyboard to keep the laptop from falling asleep.

"That's why you always look dead on your feet during Architecture," Zed said (that rhymes lol), settling on the couch with the TV remote.

"You'll wake up Impulse," Tango reminded him.

"None of us have the greatest sleep schedules," Zed replied with a shrug. "Besides, I'm sure I muted the TV before I went to bed last night."

Before Tango could say anything, Zed pressed a button on the TV remote and it started blaring about some famous actor's astonishing breakup. Zed jumped a mile in the air, then rapidly pressed the mute button, and in doing so accidentally unmuted it again several times.

They sat there, stunned. Tango crossed his fingers, but he could hear the snores stop from the bedroom. 

"I, uh... watched some TV after y'all went to bed," Tango said sheepishly. 

"Why was it at full volume?" Zed asked.

Tango swallowed. "Let's not talk about what I watched."

Zed rolled his eyes.

From inside the bedroom, Impulse kind of shouted, "What in the world could you guys possibly be doing at 2 am?"

"Homework," Tango said."

"Watching TV," Zed said.

"Eating oranges," Tango said.

"Talking about life," Zed said.

Impulse walked in, his black shirt crinkled from sleep. He yawned, scratching the stubble on his chin. "All of that would have made sense had you guys done it six hours earlier."

Tango shrugged. "Orange?" he asked, holding a slice out. Impulse took it with a laugh.

"Anyway," Zed said. "What do you guys wanna watch?"

"First, give me an idea to present for a super effective furnace," Tango said, squinting at his computer. "I don't know why this is an assignment, but considering the professor's age, I shouldn't be surprised. The rants he goes on about how 'wE dIdN't hAvE fOrTuNe PiCkAxEs BaCk In tHe daY' and all that. He probably wants to rub in our faces that there weren't blast furnaces in the 1600's."

"I have an idea!" Zed said as Impulse settled on a beanbag with some ice cream. "Give me that laptop!"

The next morning, a very sleep deprived Tango presented the idea of jump powered furnaces to his entire redstone class.

thanks for reading! if you enjoyed, pls vote and comment!

Have a good day or night wherever you are!


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