Floating Pt. 3

223 12 31

wc: 1468

guys its done

request for: ThatOne1Shadow and 

i dont think i'll do a part 4 unless its just them being idiots :) 


"We're going to have to figure something out."

Evil X looked up from his fidget toy. Xisuma had given it to him, and of course it was bee themed. There was an axolotl one which sat on X's desk.

"What do you mean?" Evil X asked distractedly, flipping a switch on the side of the toy. "I am perfectly content to sit on this couch for the rest of my life."

X snorted. "The Hermits aren't." He typed something and another holographic screen popped up. "They're still asking about you. I told them you were properly taken care of. They assumed it in the put you in a holding cell or have you under lock and key kind of way."

Evil X groaned. "All your fault, for dubbing me Evil X of all things." He tossed the fidget cube and X's head. It bounced off harmlessly. Evil X appreciated that X didn't wear his helmet inside anymore, only when there were other people around. His hair was very fluffy and Evil X liked to ruffle it for fun.

"You always hated your name." X's fingers stilled on his keyboard. "When I first called you that you thought it was funny."

Screwing his nose up at the thought, Evil X flopped back on the couch. "Well... I don't know what my name was before the whole Hermitcraft fiasco, so you can't blame me."

"You... can't remember?" X repeated, spinning his chair around to face Evil X. "Like, at all?"

Evil X huffed. "It started with an X, that's for sure." His fingers began to wander for something to do again, which X noticed probably immediately. He caught the fidget toy X threw back at him and played with the buttons.



"Xerion. That was your name." There was something very heavy in X's gaze as he plucked his own axolotl fidget toy off of his desk to fiddle with. "You said it sounded like a girl's name. Even though names that end with 'a' generally associate with girls."

"It does sound like a girl name," Evil X... no, Xerion said, but he was too busy turning the letters over in his head. 

It sounded nice. Unlike when the void always stressed the evil part of his name. Evil X, the void would whisper in his ear. You are every imperfection of your twin and only that.

"We called you Xeri," X continued, voice kind of distracted as his fingers stilled. "You only liked it until you were ten. Then some people at school teased you, and you came home crying and banned it."

"Oh," Xerion said vaguely. "I..." He shrugged. "I kinda like it now." He thought to how considerate X was, calling Xerion Ex instead Evil X. "I don't wanna be called Evil X anymore, anyway."

A smile twitched at his twin's lips. "I'll make sure to tell the hermits that." He swiveled back around to continue typing.

"Anyway, what're you gonna do?" Xerion asked. "About the whole me and the hermits situation."

The keys on the keyboard clacked loudly as X's hands darted across them, bring up screens and rolling lines of code and doing all sorts of admin stuff that Xerion had never bothered to learn.

"I'll have you meet them, that's what I'm going to do."

A fidget cube, a pillow, and a shoe bombarded X's head.

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