Battle Grounds

433 13 7

wc: 1025

tw: death and blood

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if you sign it, thank you so much! This website just blatantly steals everything ILLEGALLY and these fics take hours of planning and writing. Thank you for considering <3

this is kind of a carry off of my oneshot 'Controlled Chaos' with the theme of them being gods. I think you can figure everything out from there lol

gotta love false <3

False crossed her arms, leaning against her sword casually. Her 'commander' was scoping out the fields they would be fighting in.

"It'll be a tough fight," he said gruffly. False didn't reply. She didn't need to. There was no need for her to be here, it was just for fun.

She picked her nails with a bored look. The commander frowned at her.

"Why don't you ever seem to care?" he asked exasperatedly. "That cockiness is going to get you killed someday."

Sike, I can't get killed, False almost said. Instead, she told him, "It doesn't matter my attitude, as long as I get the job done."

He grunted and walked away. False watched him leave, his boots thumping against the dirt. She stared at the dull iron sword on her hip and smirked. She wouldn't have to use that piece of crap to fight.


The horn blew. In a whirlwind of excitement, False urged her horse forward, and the army attacked.

She took out her iron sword. False's hand shimmered and the sword suddenly grew sharper, longer, deadlier, its lame iron makeup covered with diamonds and emerald and bedrock. Her hair flew loose, barely held back by goggles, and her military outfit was changed into netherit e armor over a simple denim jacket and striped shirt. Her eyes glowed sapphire blue, and a powerful aura emanated from her. Nearby soldiers fell off their horses in shock as they watched this strange woman ascend into something greater.

False swiped through the ranks like they were leaves. Her sword flashed faster than lightning as she made her way through.

The commander watched from afar, stunned. This girl he'd just called cocky was now killing thousands, all dying to her hand and her hand only. 

Ha! False thought to herself, triumphant. This is the best part. Where they all realize they should have been nice to me and treated me normally. That I'm a thousand times better than them.

However, through her dance with the blades, the music stopped with a grinding halt.

She blinked and her eyes landed on a pink haired soldier also on a horse.

False narrowed her eyes. This man's strength was incredible, his blade refused to budge even though she pressed. Normally, the men's swords would get catapulted away, giving her a distraction so she could easily drive her blade through their hearts.

"False, God of War," he said, his monotone voice sounding easily over the suddenly quiet battlefield, "you've stayed long enough. Time to come back."

"Who are you?" False growled through her teeth. She pushed against his sword, and he seemed a little taken aback by the effort and stood his ground.

He was undeniably handsome, with long pink hair tied into a braid and blood red eyes. He wore a red cloak over a simple white tunic and black trousers, his expression almost bored. 

"I am the God of Blood," he replied smoothly. "Too much of which has been shed by your hands. I am normally a supporter of violence, but in this scenario, it has exceeded its limits. I've been tasked with bringing you back to where you originated."

"I'm not going back," False replied. She motioned for him to take it to the ground. A challenge for a duel. "And you're not making me."

The God of Blood looked at her surprised, then smirked. "Of course." He jumped from his horse, and she did the same. The battle had long since ceased, the soldiers all blending in to be virtually the same- caught in the crossfires of heavenly war.

They circled each other, making small jabs but both not yet making any big moves.

"I hate it up there," False snarled. "Too much work, too many rules, too little fighting. It's much more fun down here. It gives life purpose when I use my mortal body."

"I agree," the God replied. "Yet it's our duty to maintain balance. With you here, numbers are tipping and tilting and everything is coming apart."

He made a move towards her, slicing his sword forward. She slid between his legs and came out the other side, bringing her sword down. He moved to the side, lightning quick, his own weapon meeting hers.

"Skills are a little rusty after competing with such weak men," he commented. It was true; normally that move just upright killed them. However, False was a God of War. She could win this, and she would win this.

They parried and struck and attacked, but it seemed to be a stalemate. A bead of sweat formed on False's forehead. Magic built up in both sides' hands, ready to explode.

False noticed this. She didn't know if her opponent did, but she did. And she knew that if the two sources of magic collided, there would be more death and destruction than she had just caused by a long run.

"RUN!" she screamed over her shoulder. The God of Blood looked confused. The soldiers that hadn't run away a while ago were now scrambling for cover. "GO! HURRY!"

She wasn't a second too soon. A moment later, the magic exploded, throwing both sides backwards. And as False hit the ground, everything went black.


"-lse. War God. Time to get up."

She opened her eyes wearily to meet the God of Blood's red ones. False searched her memory before saying something stupid and gathered her bearings.

"Did they all make it out?"

Techno nodded. "All but one."

False scrambled to her feet and saw the commander lying a few feet away, his body looking broken, his eyes staring but unseeing. A bit of blood splattered the ground near where he lay. Idiot must have tried to do something, she thought, but she felt a little bit sad. He'd 'trained' her, and wasn't half bad either.

"That's a shame," she muttered.

"I'm surprised you gave them a warning anyway," he said, turning away. False sighed.

"I'm not that heartless."

"If you're not that heartless, then come back to the heavens and manage these war rates. They're insane." He crossed his arms. "The amount of blood shed would have been much more than what would have happened if that magic exploded with soldiers nearby."

She was silent and he smiled a bit. "You're the best I've dueled in a while," he remarked. "And that's saying something." The God of Blood held out his hand.

False grinned and took it. "Your name?"

"That's not important," he replied. And False didn't mind.

hope you enjoyed! please do request any oneshot prompts, I'd greatly appreciate it.

thank you for reading! have a good day or night, wherever you are!


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