Floating (Pt. 1)

491 13 19

wc: 707

tw: descriptions of blood, injury

Request from ThatOne1Shadow

yes i made evil x a doofus 

Evil X floated.

Drifting amongst stars and galaxies, glowing orbs that represented worlds that had been forgotten. His pale fingers reached for those little symbols of hope, where he could perhaps escape this eternal imprisonment, but the currents of the void quickly pulled him away.

An empty cave yawned deep in his stomach. Something was missing. No, scratch that, everything was missing. Nothing seemed to matter in this abyss. No friends. No happiness. No joy. 

No relaxation, he'd discovered after his first day. There was no way to rest, no way to lay down his head to perhaps sleep. Evil X was like a wanderer, yet he had no choice on where he wandered.

His eyes were so heavy, his entire body so sore from how tense it was all the time while he floated. Sometimes he'd pass out from sheer exhaustion, but he'd only sleep for...

There was no time here, Evil X reminded himself.

He slept for not long enough, anyway. Before the void jostled him awake. 

Sometimes the void played with him.

There were times where Evil X would just lose control of himself completely. It moved his arms for him, stretching them just an inch too far, then drop it completely. While he cradled his shoulder, he felt as if the void were mocking him.

Sometimes it was especially harsh. 

There were floating rocks here. He'd never really seen them up close, as the void yanked him away from any kind of refuge, but occasionally it might send him spinning and let him crash into one, or be nearly crushed between two.

During these stretches of pain and misery, he sometimes remembered.

Remembered that, long ago, he had not been Evil X. What was he? He could not remember.

Remembered lush green trees.

Remembered shining diamonds that he'd touched so gently, before someone accused him of trying to steal.

Remembered eating. Although he was never hungry or thirsty, being able to eat was still nice.

Remembered a certain violet hue. 

He snapped out of his reverie, except it was a negative reverie. The opposite of a reverie. A nightmare, yet so... not harsh. But prodding. Hitting in just exactly the right places, just enough to hurt.

The void tugged him side to side, to see if he was awake. Evil X made a small noise of annoyance. The sound echoed as if he were in a large chamber.

He felt something grasp his ankle, and then he was upside down. A rustle that resembled a giggle. A thousand different voices, some giggles, some chuckles, some snorts.

Evil X swung his legs downward as hard as he could (which wasn't very hard in the void) and righted himself (or at least, what he thought was right side up), sending a glare... somewhere.

A rock hurtled towards him, fueled by some imaginary source. Evil X yelped, trying to propel himself away. The rock slammed into his leg, and Evil X grasped it with a noise of pain, feeling something dark and sticky seep through his fingers.

The void giggled again. Ghost hands seemed to brush his helmet-less head and shoulders, tugging him this way and that. One brushed the wound on his leg, and when he yelped, all of the hands directed their attention to it. 

He curled in on himself, trying to push away from the hands and the giggles. He saw something violet, perhaps magenta. It was a crack in the universe, perhaps an escape. 

Evil X moved towards it. Slowly. Too slowly, it seemed, for his own liking, the hands prodding him. If he was getting closer, or if the... the rift was getting larger, he couldn't tell. But when his hand reached out, and the fingertips brushed it, an intense feeling of pull dragged him even more. For a moment, he panicked, trying to escape, but when the void made a noise of apprehension, he completely flipped sides and instead dove headfirst into the rift.

Nothingness. It was nice, floating through. Like blue specks flew past him. Past lives, maybe. When he touched them, sometimes a voice spoke, although he was never there long enough to hear what the voice had to say.

And then it all disappeared with a swoop.

He was spat out onto a hard cave floor. He pressed his hand to it. It was solid. It did not move.

thanks for reading! have a good day or night, wherever you are!


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