Who Else Could it have Been (Pt. 2)

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Swanfeather_ and _HowToUsername_ , it's here ;)

The world was doused in violet flames.

Grian sat cross legged on the viewing platform over the server, white cloak billowing around him and expression downcast. Footsteps came up behind him. 

"You can always stay in the medbay," Pearl said gently, sitting down next to him. Her brows furrowed as a Watcher approached Iskall, who held out his sword in front of him, parrying blows. "Permadeath isn't any normal injury, you know. You need to take it easy."

Grian's hand gently touched his stomach. There were no bandages. He didn't respond to Pearl. She sighed, long and through her nose.

"We warned you," she almost whispered. 

Grian shook his head and turned away, moving to stand up. Pearl grabbed his arm, and he winced slightly at the tug. A flash of pain swirled in his gut. 

There was a moment of silence as Grian settled again. They watched as Ren growled and roared in full wolf form. 

The Hermits were dying.

"I loved them," Grian rasped. They were the first words he'd spoken since he'd reappeared in the realm of the Gods, filled with agony. "They were... confused."

"They're mortals," Pearl reminded him. "In the end, you'd be the one in pain."

"But it was fun while it lasted," Grian replied, wistful. "If I could save them, I would."

"Who says you can't?"

Grian turned to face Pearl.  "We aren't allowed to meddle with these kinds of decisions." 

"When have you been one to stick to the rules?"

A feeling of anger bubbled inside of Grian. "Stop talking to me like that and just get to the point!" he snapped, and then immediately regretted it when Pearl's face grew stony.

"Sorry," he muttered. Pearl sighed and placed her hand on Grian's shoulder. 

"I know this isn't easy for you," Pearl said. "You may be banned from the portals, but I'm not."

Grian looked up, eyes wide. "You'd do that?"

She smiled sadly. "If it means you'll stop moping around the place, yes." She pulled the edges of her cloak together as they both turned their attention back to the morbid scene in front of them. Grian's heart clenched as he watched Scar fall with a scream. "And who knows? I've had experience with servers. Perhaps I'll be allowed to stay a bit. Monitor."

"Will it be hard for you?" Grian asked, pushing hair out of his face.

Pearl grinned, flashing white teeth. "Not at all. You know me."

Grian sighed. "Don't do too much. Just get the Watchers out."

"Do you want me to bring back the ones lost?" she asked.

Grian gave a single nod, and she left with a swish of her dark cloak.

It wasn't too long before she appeared in the middle of the battle, golden circlet shining atop her unruly curls and navy coat swishing out in front of her. She held no weapon. She didn't need one.

Hermits and Watchers alike turned their head to stare, suddenly in the presence of a God. Some of the Watchers, recognizing the Goddess of the Moon, fell to their knees, hands stretching out in front of them in a bow.

The Hermits just stared blankly.

"Enough," Pearl breathed. Her hands stretched in front of her, glowing with an ethereal light. Grian felt the tug on his heart; as her pair, he could feel her energy being used. 

The Watchers began to disappear. 

Light gathered in their chests, spreading to overcome their bodies. When the light dissipated, it brought them with it. 

The Watchers were gone in a matter of minutes. Pearl wasn't done. Her hands clasped together, magic gathering in her palms. Grian leaned forward, watching as she unclasped her hands, the light swirling together into a ball. 

"The one you banished became the one who saved you," she said. There was anger in her voice, Grian realized. "You hurt my brother. You hurt the God of Sun." Her eyes narrowed, and the remaining Hermits cowered, clutching each other and the bodies of the lost. "If it were up to me, I'd let the chaos unfold." She spread her hands, the light growing. "He was devastated. He can no longer come here. But I've come to carry out his wishes." The Hermits squinted against the shine of the magic. "Next time, I won't be so merciful. If it weren't for him, you'd all be dead."

The light exploded.

Even Grian's hand instinctively reached for his face, blocking the wave of heat that washed over him. His magic core was hurting from the energy Pearl was using, but he couldn't exactly complain.

When he opened his eyes again, Pearl was no longer in the world. Instead, the dead were blinking again. A warm feeling gathered in Grian's heart as he saw Mumbo sit up from the spot where Pearl had once stood, one hand scratching his head as he look around in confusion.

After a moment, Pearl came up behind him. "Are you okay?" she asked gruffly.

"Fine," Grian replied with a smile. 

"You better be," Pearl grumbled, turning away. Grian caught her sleeve.

"And Pearl..." Pearl turned back to look at him, blue eyes meeting blue.

"Thank you."

thank you for reading! have a good day or night wherever you are!

-Ete <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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