Floating (Pt. 2)

214 14 31

tw: blood, injury


Evil X's throat made a sound of joy. The noise echoed, yes, but it didn't seem to travel, instead bouncing back to his ears.

Crying out in ecstasy, he picked up a pebble and flung it. It sailed in a smooth arc and hit the ground, decidedly not floating into nothingness.

Something welled up inside of him. Pure happiness, he realized vaguely, as he collapsed against the stone, staring up at the ceiling and allowing his muscles to rest for the first time in positively ages.

The joy was short-lived, however. Soon, Evil X heard footsteps, and noises of effort that sounded like someone carrying heavy things. Sure enough, someone quickly emerged from a ladder, carrying a heavy purple box.

His eyes landed on Evil X and immediately widened in shock. He wore a heavy red jumper that was slightly over sized and had messy dirty blonde hair that fell over coal black eyes, which startled Evil X. More shocking, however, were the two giant wings that emerged from his back and were decidedly not (what was it called)... Elmo or Elsa, or something like that. Evil X couldn't be bothered to remember what those artificial wings were called. 

The person's boots hit the ground with a thud. Evil X tried to scramble backwards, but hissed when he was reminded that his leg was rather bloodied. Mystery person seemed to notice this too and immediately rushed forward.

"Goodness, are you alright?" he asked, eyes widening as he knelt next to Evil X, hands hovering over his leg as if unsure what to do.

"I'm fine!"  Evil X chirped. "In fact, I'm wonderful!!" Mystery person couldn't ruin Evil X's mood. He was out of the void. He was free. After what felt like thirteen and a half years he spent in that version of hell.

He attempted to stand up, but his knee buckled underneath him, a twinge of pain sparking inside of it. Mystery person caught his arm as the world swayed dangerously around him.

"I think it would be better if you stayed down," mystery person said. "X is coming, and I'll call Stress for your leg, so just stay here, I'll get you some food."

As Evil X sat, he processed those words. Oh, food. His second favorite f word, although Xisuma had literally stuffed a soap bar in his mouth when he said his favorite, which was a shame. It was a rather nice word. In the void, food wasn't necessary, but now that he was here, his stomach was achingly empty.

And then he processed the words before mystery person mentioned food. He'd said X. 

It could be anyone else, Evil X told himself as mystery person came with a bowl of rabbit stew and a bottle of milk. Could be someone named... Xavier, or... 

As he took the bowl of stew and immediately heaped a spoonful into his mouth, he felt resigned to the fact that maybe he was back in Hermitcraft, of all places. At least, the reasonable part of his brain was resigned, and that was probably only 10 percent. Another 40 percent was countering that with the logic that there were literally millions of worlds and servers out there, and the chances that he'd end up there were minimal.

The other fifty percent of his brain was stuck on how good this rabbit stew was. 

The flavors of rabbit and potato and carrot and mushroom swirled on his tongue and Evil X groaned with how good it was, quickly slurping the bowl down. It was a perfect mix of salty and slightly sweet, savory and delicious. He uncorked the bottle of milk and poured it down his throat. 

There was a thump of feet on stone, grabbing Evil X's attention. He glanced up from his food and froze.

A tall figure wearing green armor and a grey helmet with a purple visor stood at the base of the ladder, staring at him. Violet eyes widened, although with the helmet, most probably didn't know the actual color. Evil X knew though, knew the spark that'd appear in them whenever he had an idea, how they'd become hooded when looking at him.

"Evil X?" he whispered.

Evil X flinched. X approached him, one hand on his hip, where Evil X knew a sword hid, covered with magic. A hand reached out towards him and Evil X immediately held his arms up over his face.

Because all he could remember were those violet eyes glowing bright as violet diamonds rotated on X's palm, remembered the bare of his twin's teeth as he grabbed Evil X's wrist and shoved the diamonds into his wrist.

The unapologetic glare as the world flickered into void.

The void liked to use this memory, flashing it before his eyes, in the violet sparks that flew by him as he floated, the same shade as X's irises.

"X?" mystery person whispered.

"Let me handle this, Grian," X said calmly. But Evil X knew the slight tremor in his voice. He'd seen it when X talked to the Hermits, everybody only seeing the surface confidence. But Evil X had heard the waver in his words, the tremble of his hands. He knew how much X questioned his own choice, sometimes whether to resign or just give up on Hermitcraft.

"Stress is on the way for his leg," Grian said, and Evil X turned his head with wide eyes as he saw Grian make his way up the ladder.

A strange noise escaped his throat and Evil X lifted a hand towards Grian, not wanting this person to leave, simply for not banning him immediately and giving him that rabbit stew. 

But now Evil X just felt exhausted. The world still spun, even though he was sitting now. He saw the pool of blood under his leg, which X seemed to just notice. "Sorry for getting the floor bloody," he muttered under his breath. 

X was talking, but he was too tired to notice. It was cold in here. Maybe he'd just...

...wake up.

Evil X opened his eyes and noticed immediately that he was being held by something cushioned. A bed. He squeezed the sheets underneath him.

There were footsteps outside the door, which creaked open to reveal a very harried looking Xisuma.

"Hey, Evil X," he said. "Glad to see you're not dead."

Evil X blinked. "Really?" he asked, genuinely. 

Xisuma froze. "Yes," he said very carefully.

"Oh." Evil X looked down at the sheets, fiddling with his hands.

Xisuma cleared his throat. "Grian said it was a void inflicted wound. Stress healed it, there's no scar."

Evil X poked his leg. There was no pain. "Huh," he said. "Normally when the void heals them there's a scar." It sewed up his clothes too, for some reason, although the helmet was long gone. 

There was a rustle as Xisuma sat next to him, his own helmet on the bed, curly brown hair falling around his face. Evil X pushed aside the covers and made to stand, but his legs were very not used to having to listen to gravity, instead buckling underneath him.

Xisuma grabbed his arm and hauled him to flop back onto the bed. "You," he started, "Are the biggest idiot in the world."

And then Evil X was wrapped in warm arms, face full of hard green armor and brown hair. 

"I'm sorry, for what it's worth."

"Really?" Evil X whispered.


poor evil exy :( i love him so much

thank you for reading! Have a good day or night wherever you are!


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