Fire an Ice

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(Loki POV)

It snowed in Asgard for the first time in centuries. I watched the snow flakes fall onto the grass below. I could vaguly see the snow sprinkled onto the dying grass and then melt away, as the ground was still warm.

Winter was seasons away and snow could only mean one thing; the Frost Giants would be coming soon.

And it was my fault, but the worst part was that I craved war. That part of me would never leave. There were whispers of an impending attack. Everyone knew the Casket was gone, and they also suspected me. Rightly so, but I had so far managed to keep the rumors down.

Odin had begun to prepare total war against Jotunheim weeks ago and it surprised me that they were waiting this long. They had a plan, that I knew. As to what they could possibly be waiting for, I had no idea.

I stepped away from my balcony and walked to myy bed, where my armour was waiting for me. Odin had asked me to patrol the woodland with a few men. This was not the duty of a prince, but I did not deny him. I deserved to be treated like a soldier rather than a prince.

My armor dissapeared from my bed and appeared on my body. I held my horned helmet in hands. I combed my hair back, then put the helmet over my head.

I used to love this helmet, but ever since Stark told me I looked like a reindeer...well, I decided against wearing the helmet.

I met the patrol outside the palace, where a guard held my stallion in place, waiting for me.

"Let's go," I ordered, mounting my night black stallion.

The three guards followed close behind me as I led the way into the forest. There were many ways into Asgard, the woods had a few of them. They were, of course, dificult to find, but not impossible with the Casket of Ancient Winters. The woodland was also Asgard's weakest point, and the most dangerous. Bandits, rogue warriors, wild animals, anything you could imagine resided here.

The man conversed amongst themselves as I remained many yards in front of them. The woods had no trail but I had learned various check points throughout the years. I took a right as we came upon a small clearing. It was not wise to be out in the open.

"Loki" One of my men called.

I stopped the horse and looked at him.

"What is it?"

"You're going into the forest of the damned" He said with evident frigth in his voice. He was right. I was going into the most dangerous area of the forest, but the clearing was still not my best option.

"Scared?" I taunted.

"Yes, actually" He replied, "Most are not the same when they come out"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Those are fairy tales" I sneered, "the worst you'll come across are bandits"

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now