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Chapter 30

Loki opened the doors to his chambers to find two guards on each end of the door. They both blocked his way out by crossing their spears together across the doorway.

"Allfather has forbidden you to leave your chambers" One guard informed Loki. Loki rolled his eyes and shut the door without replying. Odin had allowed Loki to be released from the prison because he was needed in the war between the Asgardians and Frost Giants.

 "You'd think I'd have a bit more liberty now" Loki muttered to himself.

"You should be thankful, Loki" Someone said from behind him. Loki turned around surprised. He relaxed when he saw it was his mother.

"Not many people can sneak up on me," Loki stated.

 Frigga gave him a small smile.

"Loki, you should have told me what was going on," She scolded.

Loki sat on the edge of his bed.

 "And what would you have done?" He spat, "Make me accept the throne of Jotunheim, which I despise, only so Odin's little fairytale will come to be? There can never be peace between the Frost Giants and the Asgardians, it is time Odin learns to accept that"

 "Loki, by not informing us, you have caused a war" She said sternly, "one that can put your precious mortal in danger"

 "I can protect her," Loki muttered.

 "Not when you have your own back to watch," Frigga countered.

 "I am perfectly capable, mother" Loki replied.

 Frigga fell silent knowing that arguing against Loki was futile.

 "Mother, I c-" Loki was interrupted by Frigga who's eyes widened in fear and surprise as she yelled to Loki.

 "Loki, behind you!" He had no time to react as a pair of strong arms grabbed him from behind. Loki's skin turning blue made it obvious it was a Frost Giant who held him in an unbreakable hold. Frigga blasted the giant to the other side of the room with magic but hit Loki as well and he went with the giant.

 The giant loosened his grasp on Loki and he took the time to pin the giant against the marble floor.

 "What does Byeist want with me?" Loki hissed.

 Suddenly Avery ran into the room.

 "Loki, I heard a-" She didn't finish speaking as she examined the scene before her: Loki tackling a Frost Giant, a huge hole in the wall and Frigga standing in the middle of the room using magic on the giant.

 "Avery, out!"  Loki ordered.

 "No way I'm leaving you here with that giant!" She said stubbornly.

 Loki cursed under his breath and lifted a hand up in order to cast a protection spell on Avery. He focused his attention off of the giant he had pinned to the ground and onto his magic. This proved to be a mistake. The giant took advantage of this to stab Loki's side with an ice dagger, and while it didn't burn his skin as it would a regular Asgardian, it caused him to wince in pain and grab hold of the fresh wound.

 Then behind Frigga, two more giants appeared. They apprehended her, though struggling to keep her in their grasps, and Avery ran to her aid. Frigga's arms were beginning to burn from the giant's touch and she used her magic to ignite her arms on fire for a split second.  As a mortal, Avery was not able to help but that didn't keep her from trying. She began to hit one giant on the head with her black heels, which she was glad to take off after a long day of suffering blisters because of them. 

The Frost Giant holding Loki had secured a position above him and held his ice dagger to his neck. Loki had turned to his indigenous blue from the Frost Giant's touch. His blood red eyes filled with hatred as they stared into the Giant's eyes. 

"What does Byeist want from me?" Loki spat venomously.

 "Revenge" The Giant stated pushing the dagger slightly into Loki's neck causing Loki difficulty to breath.

 And just like that, the giant was thrown into the wall and off of Loki's body. Loki looked up to see Thor standing at the door holding his hand out to summon Mjolnir.

"I demand that the fighting cease at once!" He boomed in a mighty voice, "Surrender to the Princes of Asgard!"

 Frigga took that moment of distraction to stab one of the Frost Giants holding her in straight through the heart with her sword. The Giant fell dead and the other two angrily continued the fight, completely ignoring Thor's demands.

 "We have come to take what is rightfully property of Jotunheim" One of them menacingly hissed at Thor.

 "How dare you," Loki rasped as he slowly lifted his body from the ground and stood up, "insult me in such a manner!"

 Loki conjured green mist from thin air and with it formed a ball of energy, which he used to blast a hole into the Jotun's side. The remaining Jotun, realizing he was outnumbered, grabbed hold of Avery and a rigid ice blade he had made with his own arm up to her neck. She gasped in surprise as she struggled to get out of his grasp to no avail.

 "Loki!" She managed to cry as she and the giant disappeared from the face of Asgard.

"Avery, NO!" Loki ran to the spot were they'd disappeared and kneeled on the floor defeated.

 "She's gone," He openly admitted, dropping the sword he had conjured on the marble floor.

(A/N I was going to end the chapter here, but I decided to have some mercy:)  )


Snow fell heavily on the ice realm. The wind almost eclipsed the enraged yell of the evil Prince as he rebuked the Frost Giants in his presence.

"I tell you to bring me Loki, and you bring me this pathetic mortal scum!" He yelled as ice formed around him in anger.

"My king, th-" The Frost Giant began.

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR EXCUSES!" Byeist yelled with malice, "I want a reason why I shouldn't kill you right now"

"I- this girl" He stuttered, "belongs to L-Loki"

Byeist stood silently examining the frail mortal who shivered while kneeling on the snowy beneath her 

"A mortal?" Byeist said at last, "Could this be that my dear brother has grown soft?

He chuckled as he crouched to her level and held her chin up, burning it with his icy touch. She spit on his face, disgusted with his mere presence.

He slapped her on the check and Avery flew many feet and onto the snow. She groaned in pain.

"Indeed, this is a trophy greater than Loki" Byeist said walked back to his throne.

"Lock her up," He ordered, "Loki will come back for his little toy"

 "My king, she's just a mortal, how do we know Loki will come for her?" Byeist's advisor asked.

 "If he doesn't, I'll kill her" Bysiest hissed, "I will allow him a fortnight to retrieve his mortal"

 "Yes, my king" The Giant replied. And with that, Avery was locked away in the frigid dungeons beneath the Jotun realm.

"Now bring me the Gatekeeper," The king said smugly, "I believe his time is up"


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