The Thunderer

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(Loki POV)

A blinding flash of light awakened me from sleep.

 I sat up drowsily on my bed. 

Could it be the bifrost? I thought

The bifrost was very bright

Could it be Thor coming to visit? I thought as I got out of bed and looked out my window.

As I expected I saw Thor walking through the woods onto the clearing behind the house.

Assuming Thor would begin to call for me and wake up Avery I made my way down stairs.

Obviously I wasn't quick enough since Thor's loud booming yell called for me.

I opened the back door and walked out on the grass to Thor.

"Will you keep your voice down, you'll wake up Avery!" I hissed.

 That's if she's not awake already.

"My apologies brother" Thor boomed. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Is that how you welcome me?" Thor said pretending to be hurt.

"It's how I welcome a traitor" I hissed, "I trusted you Thor, You knew I was happy yet you told SHIELD of my whereabouts and now Avery and I are in more danger than ever!" 

"I.." He began

"You're lucky I'm not attacking you right now" I spat, "now get out of my sight and If you even think about informing SHIELD about my whereabouts again, I will make the rest of your pathetic life miserable. Got it?!" 

Thor looked a bit hurt but I couldn't be bothered.

"I wanted to see how you were doing Loki" He said solemnly


" Unless you're here to tell me I can go back to Asgard and leave this pathetic realm, you can leave" I said turning around.

"You're not doing to bad as a human you know" Thor informed me. 

I stopped in my tracks.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Heimdall's watching you" Thor said, "He's impressed that you're not well...failing miserably"

"Really now" I said.

"and if it makes a difference, brother" Thor said, "I'm impressed as well"

"You're not my brother" I said walking away.

"I'm sorry" He apologized.

I sighed and stopped again.

"You chose Midgard over your family" I said, "and knowing you you're defiantly not sorry"

"It seems you choose to be part of my family when it's convenient brother" Thor chuckled, "you choose to call me brother when it benefits your argument but any other time you claim we are not brothers"

"We're not brothers" I said walking away.

"You really shouldn't be telling accusing me of being a traitor when you're no better yourself" Thor called after me. 

His words caused me to stop yet again.

"You claim I betrayed you by letting SHIELD know of your whereabouts, but it was you who tried to rule over this realm, you who nearly destroyed the Jotuns" Thor continued

I believe I heard Thor say something along the lines of "I'll visit you soon" afterwards but I didn't turn around to say something back. I only closed my eyes and stopped myself from attacking him that instant. 

How dare he waltz in here like we're still he deserves to be forgiven after the constant betrayal. 

I walked inside the house again and slammed the door behind me. I walked into the kitchen. Avery was standing there with a cup of tea.

"You really didn't have to send him away like that, Loki" Avery said sipping her tea.

"He betrayed me, what would you have me do, welcome him back as my brother and forget everything he's ever done to me?!" 

"It's the human thing to do" Avery said, "You never leave your family no matter what"

"Im.not.human" I spat.

"Well you're not doing to well in your punishment" Avery retorted.

I closed my eyes and gave her a long and tiresome sigh.

"This punishment is hopeless" I muttered angrily, "Father knew I would fail" 

"You're not even trying" She yelled angrily.

"As if you'd know" I narrowed my eyes.

"Well you're not trying" She said lowering her tone a bit, " all you do is act like that spoiled prince you used to be and you can't be human. That's what I've realized"

"That's because I'm not human. IM A GOD!" I cried becoming annoyed of Avery yelling at me.

"No you're not!" She raised her voice, 'Here you're a normal person who happens to know a bit of magic but you're not a god"

She stormed out of the kitchen angrily.

All this because I'm still angry at Thor?

I walked upstairs to my chambers. There were only a few more hours until dawn. I looked out the window into the woods. I felt like I was being watched but ignored the feeling. Closing the curtain I got back in bed and fell asleep.


hello, Loki's Army

So I watched Thor TDW and have been quite inspired by it after hours of crying and fangirling and freaking out...if you watched it you'd understand...

Well Im sorry this is short but intense parts coming up! 

Thank you for the commentary so far keep voting anf let me know what you think!


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