A load of Mischief

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(Avery POV)

Loki and I walked up to the black bus parked on the Windsor castle parking. I really wanted to go in and take a tour since it was my first time in England but I doubted Loki wanted to. 

I decided to try my luck.

"Hey, do you want to tour the castle?" 

Loki looked at me surprised. 

"Tour the castle?" He asked


"The royalty in Midgard let peasants tour their homes?!" Loki asked.

"Well the queen only comes here on the weekends or something. Her main palace is in London" I explained ignoring the fact that he practically called me a peasant. 

"These mortal palaces are inferior to ours" Loki said," if you want to visits palaces I'll take you to Asgard some day when I'm welcomed there." 

"But it's not the same" I said dejectedly," I mean, this is England! Chances are I will never be able to afford coming here again"

Loki sighed. 

"One hour"

I jumped up and down happily. 

"Oh right we need tickets" I said.

"Where would I get the currency for that?" Loki asked.

Right we had no money.....

Loki spotted an ATM machine nearby and walked towards it. 

"Wait Loki you can't steal anything" I told him trying to hold him back.

"You want tickets and that costs, we have no money and we need some therefore this is our only option" Loki said.

He walked up to the ATM and studied it. Once he finished studying how it works he pressed a few buttons and money came pouring out. A lot of money came pouring out.....Loki grabbed it all and walked back.

"I still don't agree with this" I said walking towards the entrance, "how much did you get?" 

Loki counted. 

"10,000 of Pounds I think" he said, " that is what you use here right?"

I nodded, "how'd you know?

"I spent most of my time in my room or palace library reading about different cultures on the none realms.... Midgard in particular" he said.

"So how did you do that with the ATM?"

Loki smirked.


Of course... How else would he get £10,000 out of ATM at once. 

We quickly bought tickets and made our way into the big castle. 

(Loki POV)

I walked through the doors of the castle. It was quite small compared to my Asgardian palace. 

The inside was not as posh as I thought, though Avery seemed to think it was as her jaw was hanging down as she admired the view. 

"This is nothing compared to Asgard" I said walking on.

Avery ran to catch up with me.

"Stop spoiling the fun" She said, "This is rather elegant for Earth" 


We walked into the next room, which was a huge and elegant dining room. Well... big for Midgard castles. This wasn't even half the size of the dining room in Asgard's palace. 

I decided not to comment on it to Avery so she could enjoy the experience. 

"I'm going to go outside and admire the garden or something," I said walking out. The place was too crowded and I didn't want to get recognized.

(1 hour later Avery POV)

I walked around the outside of the castle snapping a few pictures with my phone. I felt bad that I made Loki see the castle and waste his time since he obviously didn't care about "Midgardian" stuff. 

I however was enjoying myself. The place was huge! 

Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Loki struggling against the grip of two guards. They were both wearing the funny hats and dressed in the Royal Guard uniforms. 

Crap. What did Loki do now?!

I ran towards him. 

"Tom!" I called remembering not to use his real name.

I caught up to them

"Get of off me you mortal fools!" He yelled at them. I could tell Loki wasn't struggling too hard since he could have easily gotten away form the guards. 

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Is this man your friend?" One of the guards yelled loudly. 

"Yea, is there a problem?" I repeated. 

"Make sure he is out of Windsor castle by noon, he is no longer welcome here" One of the guards ordered. 

"Yes, sir" I said grabbing Loki's hand and dragging him off with me. 

"What the hell did you do now?!" I demanded

"I may or may not have gotten bored and pestered some guards" He said smirking. 

"Why?!" I yelled, "They have a job to do" 

"Well they asked for it" He said, "They were completely ignoring me when I asked them a question" 

"They're not supposed to move" I explained. 

"Well how was I supposed to know that?" Loki asked walking to the nearest tour bus. 

"I thought you studied about Earth in Asgard or something"

"Yes but not in so much detail that I know everything about every kingdom in this realm" Loki replied straightening his clothes a bit.

"They're not kingdoms they're countries" I corrected.

"Isn't this place called the United Kingdom?" Loki asked.

"Well...that's just here" I said "Come on" 

We walked onto a tour bus with a bunch of other people so we wouldn't be noticed and took a seat in the back. 

We had no idea were it was heading but I hoped it was London. 

I was sure that's where we'd end up anyway but the tour could stop anywhere. 

"Why can't mortals make these seats more comfortable?" Loki complained as he sat down.

This was going to be a long ride...


Hello sorry for the long wait.

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