The Exchange

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(3rd person POV)

A flash of light brought Loki and Thor to Jotunheim. They were not immediately surrounded as Loki had expected but he knew it was only a matter of time before there was a bloodbath. 

"We should have brought warriors, Loki" Thor said, "Lady Sif, Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg would have been glad to help"

Loki scoffed, "I don't think anything would convince lady Sif to help me

Thor frowned.

"Besides, they would only get in my way"

"Loki, it is foolish to come here so unprepared" 

"We're not unprepared, Thor," Loki said "have you no faith in our abilities?"

"Loki, you are seeking a far with the Frost Giants" Thor warned, "we all know how that worked out the last time" 

"Yes, Asgard won that war" Loki retorted. 

"At what cost?" 

"Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same for your mortal" Loki said. 

Thor fell silent. 

"Let's move" Loki ordered. 

The pair walked along the snow until they came across the ice palace of the Frost Giants. 

It seemed completely isolated but both knew it was not. They snuck inside but found Byeist sitting on the throne waiting for them. 

"I thought I told you to come alone" He hissed. 

Loki smirked, "oops"

"We're here for Lady Avery and Heimdall" Thor boomed. 

Byeist laughed. 

"I like you" He said, "you're quite funny" 

Thor lifted his hammer angrily.

"Guards" Byeist called, "kindly remove this buffoon from my throne room" 

Thor smirked, accepting the challenge. 

"I'd like to see you try" He said as he threw the hammer into some of the guards charging at them. Loki blasted spheres of energy and fire into some of the oncoming forces but resorted to hand-to-hand combat when their numbers considerably grew. 

 "Thor, behind you!" Loki warned as Thor was stabbed in the back. It was not a fatal wound but it was enough for the Frost Giants to overpower him. Loki, no longer concentrated in his own fighting, but rather the fate of his brother, was also overpowered. 

After one last struggle, Loki resigned into the grip of the multiple Giants retaining him. His eyes were red with anger, as his skin turned to its original blue. 

Byeist smiled from the throne. 

"Take Thor away," He ordered. 

"If you hurt him, I will-" Loki began with spite.

Byeist interrupted him, "you'll what? You have lost and the life of three people you hold dear are in my hands" 

Loki didn't reply. 

"Come here, brother" He hissed. The guards forced Loki to his feet and then threw him in front of the King. 

"I may just let you live" he said.

"For a price, I presume?" Loki said gravely. 

"Yes, for a price" He said, "your life, for the Casket of Ancient Winters" 

Loki shook his head, "I think you overestimate my abilities," 

"Oh, is it too daunting of a task?" Byeist taunted. 

"As if I could get past the doors of the vault without being arrested" Loki hissed, "You think Odin trusts me?" 

"Oh I think you'll get the Allfather to trust you if it's worth the life of your precious mortal" 

Loki looked as if he were going to murder everyone in the room. 

"If you do this, I will give you your mortal and I will let you live" Byeist decided. 

"Give me Thor as well and you have a deal" Loki said, determined. 

Byeist laughed, "You can have that oaf too" 

Loki knew there had to be something else. Byeist would never let him leave with Avery and Thor like that. At least not without knowing for certain that Loki would deliver the Casket. 

"There's something else, I presume" Loki said. 

A female Frost Giant brought the king a silver goblet. The king bent down to Loki's level and offered it to him. There was a slimy green liquid in it. 

"Drink this" 

"What is that?" Loki asked, repulsed by the smell. 

"This is how I know you will return to me" the king explained, "its simple: you drink this and you will die within 24 hours" 

"24 hours?" Loki exclaimed, "you think I will get you the Casket in 24 hours?" 

"Yes" Byeist said simply, "I have the antidote, so if you care to live, you will return to me"

"What makes you think I care that much about my life?" Loki asked.

"Let me tell you what is going to happen" The king said, "first, you will return to Asgard with the mortal and your brother, then you will convince yourself that you really don't care enough about your life to give me the casket. Once you've wasted a few hours, you will realize no matter how good and changed you pretend to be, you are too selfish not to care about your life. You will then attempt to use and magic you know how to do to cure yourself. Let me tell you now, that is impossible. And lastly, you will realize the only way to live is by bringing me that casket." 

"Those are a lot of assumptions" Loki hissed. 

"Loki, you have no choice" Byeist spat, "Once you bring me that Casket, you'll realize how much you miss your mischief. You were never one of them, you are a Frost Giant and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you will realize your place"

"And then what?" Loki taunted, "do I come back here and swear my allegiance to you? Do I pretend that this family didn't leave me to die?!" 

"You think Asgard is so different, but look at how they've treated you?" Byeist hissed, "you are nobody there. Here, you could be everything" 

"Give me the goblet" Loki demanded.

He drank its interior. Loki didn't move for a few seconds, waiting impatiently for any effect it may have on him. And then he fell to the floor in pain. He felt as if he was burning on the inside, as if he was melting. He turned from his Frost Giant blue back to his Asgardian form. He breathed heavily as the effect began to wear off, slowly. 

Loki lay on the frozen ground, staring at the icicles that had formed on the ceiling.

What had he done? 




I'm sorry for the long wait. School has gotten in the way of this book. I hope you liked the chapter.

Please let me know what you think below in the comments! Dont forget to vote!

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