Sooner or Later

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(Avery POV) 

Loki woke me up with a quick peck on the lips. I rubbed my eyes and groaned. 

"What time is it? I asked barely awake.

"5:30" He replied wrapping his arms around me.

I yawned and got out of bed. 

"I guess I'll see you later Loki," I said walking out of the room, "thanks for letting me sleep here" 

"Will you be back tonight?" Loki inquired. 

"Don't know, depends" I said, "you know I try to see you every day but sometimes-" 

"I understand" Loki interrupted. I smiled curtly and left the room. 

I walked to my room and quickly changed into my uniform before walking back out and heading to the Medical unit of the helicarrier. 

Today I was to be working with Dr. Banner. I'd worked with him a couple times before and I'd found that I rather enjoyed his company. 

I walked into his lab were he was already working on something. 

"Hey" I greeted.

"Agent Reids, nice to see you again" He said not taking his eyes of off his work.

"So what do you need me to do?" I asked.

"Right now I'm exposing these rats to high amounts of gamma radiation to try and get a hulk-like effect on

"Why?" I asked, thinking about the poor little rats.

"Once I've made them like me, I will attempt to cure them and once that is accomplished I will cure myself of the 'other guy' " He explained

"I thought you could control the Hulk though" 

"Not necessarily" Dr. banner said, "it depends on if the other guy will cooperate" 

"What do you mean?" 

"During the attack in New York, the first time I hulked out in the helicarrier, the Hulk felt threatened and therefore wreaked havoc" He said, "the second time when I helped with he Chitauri, the Hulk understood who the threat was and worked with the rest of the Avengers" 

"Is your experiment working?" 

"No" He said frustrated, "the rats keep dying on me"

"So why didn't you die?" 

"That's what I'm still trying to figure out" He said, "I should be dead but somehow, I'm not and there's a monster living inside of me" 

"Have you tried using something bigger?" I asked, "maybe the rats died because they were to small to withstand that amount of gamma radiation" 

"I have thought of this but I'm only authorized to work with rats for the moment" Banner said in monotone injecting some yellow liquid into a small rat. 

Suddenly the hellicarier shook violently, glass shattered all over the ground and walls began to collapse around us. 

I looked around to see if I could find the cause. Had one of the engines malfunctioned?

The shaking caused me to loose balance and fall to the floor. Some glass cut me but the wounds were not deep. I looked over at banner who had also been knocked onto the floor. He had a glass deep down his back. Really deep down his back. 

oh no. nonononono

Ran up to him and knelt at his side. I could here agents running up and down the halls awaiting instruction. Something had attacked us.

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now