Pathetic Mortal Clothing

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 Chapter 4

 (Avery POV)

"Come on Loki, get in the car," I said to Loki as we walked into the garage. 

"So how exactly do these metal carriages work?" Loki asked walking around my car curiously.

"It's called a car and get in and I'll show you" I said, "But you're not driving"

Loki opened the door on the passenger seat and sat carefully. 

I sat in the drivers sit and turned on the car with my key. 

Loki carefully watched what I was doing.

"So how is it that this works with no horses?" Loki asked, "if this is not powered by magic, what powers it?

"I'm not a car mechanic, all I know is how to drive this thing and that it had a motor." I said. 


"Okay, so we need a name for you" I said. 

"My name is Loki" Loki said simply, "That is what you will call me"

"Well, Loki's not going to work here on Earth" I said, "That's a weird name here, how about Ty?"

"Ty? That name is  strange" Loki said.

"Okay, something even more common," I thought for a while, "how about Thomas?"

"Not bad, I guess" Loki said. I could tell he didn't like the idea of changing his name.

"I'll call you Tom for short" 

Loki sighed. 

"Only in public," He grumbled.

He watched carefully at what I was doing and how I was driving the whole time.

"Why are you helping me?" Loki finally asked. 

 "I guess it's because I believe in second chances, "I said," And you're not that bad actually if you look past the crazy murderous side of you" 

"I could kill you easily" Loki said bluntly. 

"But you won't," Avery insisted. 

Loki didn't answer soon enough we were there.

"Okay, we're here" I told Loki

He got out of the car and so did I. 

"I feel vey uncomfortable" Loki said, "how is this the clothing men wear? Shouldn't it be a bit more formal or majestic?'"

"Tom, that's the most casual thing a human could wear" Loki looked at the clothes he was wearing and sighed. 

"The sooner I get out of this rubbish the better" He walked faster, "come mortal"

"You don't even know where it is?!" I told him. I knew I probably had to get used to the idea that he would be calling me a mortal for a while.

We walked into the Target I'd driven us to. Loki looked amazed at what he saw. Though his eyes showed a mixture of disgust and amazement.

"Probably very different from where you come from," I said dragging him to the men's section. He looked through the clothes with an even bigger look of disgust on his face.

"What are you looking for Tom?" I asked, "casual, formal,-"

"Formal, I've seen what you mortals wear for casual clothes" Loki said,

 I grabbed him a couple collared shirts, a cheap suit and a bunch of other things he might not hate and brought them to him. 

"Go try this on and bring back what you like" I said, "in fact, bring back what fits you and not just what you like" 

Loki rolled his eyes at me and walked into the changing rooms. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I didn't check who it was before answering.



"Avery, hi!" My best friend Isabel yelled in the phone

"How's it going?" I asked. I hadn't seen her in a while.

"Great, I just dumped Cole, happiest day of my life!" Cole was her boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend.

He was a very over protective and clingy. I could tell she wasn't happy about him but she never ended it till now.

"Why didn't you do that sooner?" I asked her.

"Because, my dad thought he was the best option for me" She said, "I can't believe I was listening to my dad all this time"

"Well it's kind of hard not to listen to one of SHIELD's best agents and end up with your head still on your shoulders" I told Isabel.

"Do you want to hang out this afternoon?" Isabel asked, "We haven't seen each other in forever and I'm dying to finally go out" 

"Sure" I said.

Then I remembered Loki, "Oh wait, I have someone over at my house" I hoped she wouldn't ask about him but I was out of luck.

"Who? New boyfriend?" She said with a playful voice.

"No, just a friend, who happens to be of the opposite sex" I said.

"What's his name?" She asked.

"Lo- " I cleared my throat, "Tom" 

"And how come I've never heard of this Tom" She asked suspiciously.

"He's not from around here" I said, "He's from....Boston" said picking a random place in the US.

"That's not too far" She said, "So when do I get to meet this friend of yours?" 

I knew she would have to meet him sooner or later, "How about you come over at around 7:00 for dinner?" 

"Ok, I'll be there!" She said.


"okay Izzy, I have to go" I said as Loki walked out with a stack of clothes.

" I don't see why I have to wear these pathetic mortal clothing"

"Suck it up, Tom" I said, "and my best friend is coming over for dinner so look presentable and we need to work on your story" 


"Now let's have you change into those pathetic mortal clothing" I said quoting him. 


Hey thanks for reading. Sorry it takes me long to update. 

Please comment and let me know what you think:)

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