A Little Bit of Magic

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Chapter 3

 (Loki POV)

"Come brother," Thor ordered as he pulled me along to the throne room where Odin was impatiently waiting.

I was completely surrounded by guards and Thor kept a close eye on me. There was no escape; I had been defeated by mere mortals!

I could hear whispers amongst everyone I passed as I was brought to face Odin.

What would he do to me? It doesn't matter. I must escape somehow. 

The doors to the throne room where opened for us and I was brought in. I looked at Odin with a deadly stare. 

The guards to my left and right threw me down to my knees. 

The device on my mouth was removed. 

"I have given you chance after chance for you to prove yourself to me, Loki, and you go off to Midgard and wreak havoc?!" Odin sounded angry. "You think yourself above them? You think you deserve to be a king? A GOD?"

I didn't answer. 

"We thought you dead Loki" Frigga spoke up, "You had me so worried" 

She ran up to me and held my face compassionately. 

"And I'm sure you were the only one who really cared" I muttered to her. 

"That's far from the truth Loki, we all mourned for you" She said, "you should have told me you were alive"

"We are your family Loki, yet you speak to us as your enemies" Odin said.

"When have you ever treated me as your rightful son?" I asked spitefully, "It's always Thor this, Thor that, I'm merely an unnoticed shadow next to Thor!" I yelled. 

"That doesn't give you an excuse to terrorize the lives of innocent mortals!" Odin yelled back.

"Are you all blind to mortal ways?" I asked, "They will destroy themselves with war, destroy their planet with their technology. was only trying to help!"

"You help nobody by murdering innocent people!" Odin yelled. "You are right, you are no son of mine" 

"And you're no father of mine" I retorted.

A guard to my right elbowed me in the head and a I ignored the massive headache I had. I felt as if my mind was slowly un-clouding.

"Get this monster out of my sight" Odin ordered, "Lock him up with the others and treat him as any other prisoner" 

The guards grabbed my arms.

"And do with him what you want" He told the guards. He faced me. 

"I'll decide what to do with you later" 

I was thrown into a petty cell. I could feel my magic being drained from my body, weakening me.

Three guards entered the cell with me.

"Look at that pathetic scum," one said.

"He couldn't defeat the weakest realm of them all." the other guard sneered.

"I believe we should teach him a lesson" The third said, coming at me with a knife. 

I was chained to a wall, defenseless.

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now