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Chapter 5

(Avery POV) 

Isabel was due to come over any minute now. She definitely knew how Loki looked like since her dad is a SHIELD agent and Loki's face was everywhere even though it had been over a year since the attack.

I had Loki practice his fake life's story over and over so he wouldn't slip up.

"okay, one last time" I told Loki.

"I am not a child, mortal, and I'm sure I wont forget" Loki argued.

"And I couldn't care less, now repeat it again" 

Loki sighed knowing I wasn't going to let him go without saying repeating it.

"I grew up in London with my father, therefore my British accent" Loki started.

Loki's accent sounded more British than anything else, so that was what I went with. 

"I have no siblings, I studied in the University of Liverpool and I'm a free lance journalist." Loki continued, " I met you when you went to London for Christmas a few winter's ago and we became close friends. I moved to Boston two years ago, I'm here on vacation and needed a place to stay, therefore I am here. Am I done now?" Loki asked bored.

"And your name is Thomas York" I added. 

The door bell rang. I answered the door with Loki at my side. 

"Hey Izzy!" I greeted.

"Hey" She hugged me and then looked up at Loki.

 Her eyes widened and she pulled me outside closing the door behind me.

"Why is there a murderous psychopath in your house?!" She demanded.

"He's not a murderous psychopath he's my friend from Boston" I desperately lied.

"Don't lie to me I have seen that man's face everywhere! He's Loki and he attacked Manhattan about a year ago, ring a bell?!" She yelled.

"He's changed?" I said.

 I hoped that was true.

"You can't know that?!" She yelled, "he's like the god of lies or something!"

"Look, he was hurt and needed help" I said trying to defend him, "he hasn't hurt me or anybody else since I've had him in my house"

"And how long has that been"

"Last night and today" I mumbled under my breath.

"That's it?" she yelled, "you cant say all those nice things about him if you've only known him a day!"

"Look, I know what I'm doing okay" I said


"No, you don't, this guy is crazy" Izzy replied, "I'm telling my father about this"

"If you even remotely value our friendship, you'll shut your mouth, got it?"

Izzy sighed.

"Fine, I wont tell" Izzy said, but that doesn't stop me from disagreeing with this and I don't have to be nice to him."

We both walked in. Loki was sitting on the couch waiting for us. He looked a bit worried but as he saw us he stood up and greeted my friend.

"Hello, I'm Tom" He introduced himself.

I shook my head at Loki and mouthed "she knows"

"Hello, I'm Loki" he changed his introduction.

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now