Avenger Assemble....again

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(Loki POV)

"Hit me" I ordered. 

Avery tried to punch me but I grabbed her fist with my hand and threw it out of the way. She kept trying to punch me but I dodged every one. 

"You need to anticipate my moves" I said, "and your fists are not the only thing you can hit me with" 

It had been a month since I had last seen The Other. I assumed they knew where I was but no body had made an appearance. 

I was now more powerful but not as I had been before. The magic I did sometimes did not last as long as I wished. Soon I would be as powerful as before. Soon.

She looked frustrated. 

"Agh I cant do this!" She yelled annoyed.

"Yes you can. It was hard for me at first as well" I said, "I mastered magic easily, fighting was not my strong suit" 

She tried to kick me but I grabbed her leg and twisted it so she fell on the padded floor of the gym which was in her basement. 

"You seem to be doing very well for fighting not being your thing" She grumbled.

"years of practice love" I smirked. 

She got up rubbing her arm which was forming a bruise. I would heal it later as I always healed her after training.

"and remember, I was training against Thor" 

"Can we take a break?" she begged. 

"We can take a break from this and move on to a different form of combat"  I said. 

"Aww come on, I'm tired!" She whined. 

"The Other won't care if you're tired and he most definitely won't give you a little break" 

"Agh fine what are we doing now?" She asked.

"My favorite" I said, "sword fighting" 

She gave me a funny look. 

"Sword fighting?" She said, "this isn't the 19th century" 

"Very true, love, but it is still important to know to use weapons" I said, 

I made two swords appear and threw one at Avery. As she caught it, it disappeared into thin air. 

"Sorry about that," I apologized as I concentrated on making another and having it hold its appearance. 

I spent the next half an hour teaching her how to hold it properly and basic moves. 

(Tony Stark POV)

"Mr. Stark, you are needed at the Helicarrier" JARVIS said with his usual mechanical voice.

What do they need now? I thought I earned my vacation.

"Any idea what they want?" I asked JARVIS.

"No sir, but it sounds important" it responded. 

I sighed and stopped working on my new iron man suit. 

"Fine, tell Pepper I won't be back for dinner" I ordered JARVIS as I suited up and flew out of my house. 

I was soon on the Helicarier. I took the suit off an left it in my room which I was given when The Avengers Initiative started. 

I walked down to the meeting room where I assumed I was needed. When I walked in Natasha, Clint, Steve, and Bruce were already waiting for me. 

I wonder what was so important that they needed this many Avengers for. 

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now