chapter 31

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Chapter 31

"Father, I cannot stand here and wait for Byeist to kill Avery!" Loki shouted, his fists clenched in anger.

"And I cannot allow you to go on some suicide mission to Jotunheim" Odin countered, "that is my final decision."

Loki turned his attention to his mother, "mother please?"

She turned to Odin but his glare shot down any support she could have offered her son.

"If I must keep you under surveillance to make sure you do not defy my wishes, I will do so, Loki," Odin threatened.

"I do not wish to become a pawn in your game of power," Loki spat, "you do not control me"

Thor burst into the throne room with two guards.

"Allfather, King Byeist has requested Loki in exchange for Avery's life" Thor said solemnly, " he has given us a fortnight to decide"

"Tell him I accept" Loki ordered Thor.

"Tell him nothing" Odin said, his voice overpowering Loki's and echoing throughout the room.

"This is my choice, not yours!" Loki snapped.

"No, Loki" Odin said softening his tone, "it has always been my choice, as your king.... the man who raised you"

"And you did a splendid job of that" Loki said sarcastically.

"Father, if I may" Thor intervened, "I believe that not allowing Loki to retrieve his mortal will not benefit anybody, much less him. Avery has changed Loki the same way that Jane Foster has changed me"

"I understand that, but I cannot my sons to die for a mortal" Odin said calmly.

"I thought you said my birthright was to die" Loki snapped icily.

Odin fell silent.

"Father, Loki and I will go to Jötunheim, we will fight and we will bring Lady Avery home." Thor said, " I trust that we are capable of prevailing"

"I trust that you will go anyway, no matter what I say" Odin spoke.

Thor and Loki only smirked.

"Go then" Odin said.

"Thank you All-father" Loki said turning around and walking towards the door.

"Thor, I must speak with you" Odin demanded.

Loki left the throne room.

"Yes father?"

"Keep an eye on Loki" he ordered, "and do not let him sacrifice himself for Avery. Loki has a greater destiny than to die at to die at the hands of frost giants."

Thor nodded.

"And make sure he returns to Asgard, his punishment has only just begun".

"Don't you think my brother has suffered enough for his crimes?" Thor asked.

"His crimes are far worse than what he has suffered, my son" Odin replied, "he slaughtered thousands of innocent people, he is a traitor to Asgard and to his family, he has-"

"I am aware of his crimes but I also believe that the Loki that stood before you minutes ago is not the same that attacked Midgard" Thor defended.

"Keep your brother safe, Thor, you may leave"

Thor nodded and stormed out of the throne room.

(Jotunheim) (Avery POV)

I didn't expect to be alive, but I was. As much as I wanted to give up my life in this hell hole, I knew Loki would want me to live. he was the only reason why I couldn't give up now.

A week had gone by. I'd only had a few sips of bad water and some bread to eat. Lack of Food didn't bother me so much as the frigid weather of this wasteland. I sat in the corner of my small cell, holding onto my legs, shivering.

Two guards came into the dungeon. They were dragging the body of a man. I recognized him. It was Heimdall!
He was throne in the cell next to mine and beat.

Once the guards left, he groaned in pain.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"My lady, your question has an obvious answer" he said making an effort to sit up.

"I thought you were dead" I stated.

"I managed to convince them I was more useful alive" he said.

"You can see everything right?"

He nodded.

"Then tell me, how is Loki?"

"He worries for you" Heimdall replied, "you've changed him in a way no one else had ever been able to"

"So I've been told" I said.

"You have a great destiny, child, don't forget that"

"People keep telling me that" I said exasperated, "but what no one will tell me, is what it is I'm supposed to do!"

Heimdall attempted to chuckle.

"I cannot tell you that, my lady, but what I can say is that your destiny is intertwined with Loki's and that what you will face will change you too, not just Loki" Heimdall explained, "beware, my lady, beware of Loki's past, it always repeats itself"

"Loki's past?"

"You have not met the Loki Asgard knew" the gatekeeper said, "the child I saw grow up is broken, he's reckless and he's unpredictable."

"Beware of Loki's it" I muttered.



Okay okay Im sorry, I know I took forever on this update but I had midterms last week and ive had like not free time. I also apologize that this chapter is a tad short...and kind of a filler. 

Buuuuuuttttt, do you want to know what will motivate me to write faster?? 


I love you all and Merry Christmas!

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