All Hail The King

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im so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for the long wait, I literally have no time to write these days and when I do i cant think of a single word to write. I decided that you guys had waited too long and forced myself to write something even though its super late, i have school tomoroow and im tried. 

Please forgive all my errors and feel fre to point them out so i can edit. thanks for sticking with me this long! 



(Third Person POV)

Loki cracked open a book. It was the same book he'd read yesterday.

And the day before...

And the day before that...

And every day since he'd gotten locked up again for that matter. 

It was nearly dark and Avery had not been to visit him again. Frigga had been keeping her occupied elsewhere, learning how to be a poper Lady of the Court.

Loki closed the book since he really didn't find the need to read it again since he had it memorized anyways. 

The prison had become quiet. 

Too quiet. 

Usually there was a prisoner whining and complaining or a small skirmish between inmates but not this time. Nobody made a sound. 

Loki got up and walked to the edge of his cell to investigate. 

There was no one there. Not even a guard walking around. 

Prison break? Loki thought. 

He shrugged, not caring since it really wasn't his business but an explosion threw him against the other side of the wall and glass fell all over him. 

Loki groaned and looked up to face his opponent, but no one was there. 

He slowly got up and brushed of rubble from his clothes and hair. 

Who ever caused that explosion was going to get it's ass kicked by Loki. 

"Guards!" Loki yelled. But the guards were scattered outside the dungeon.


By now the explosion had alerted Odin of the intrusion, yet Loki still had no opponent to defeat. There was nobody there. 

Loki left his cell, stepping over glass and stone. Some prisoners eyed him suspiciously but none made a move towards him. 

Suddenly arms grabbed Loki from behind in a tight grip. Loki pushed back into the wall causing the enemy to loosen his grip and Loki turned to face him.

"Frost Giant' Loki hissed at the giant, instantly recognizing the species. Loki's body began to turn blue due to the Frost Giant's touch.

"I'd like to know what the hell you want with me and how you did that to my cell" Loki said pointing to his destroyed cell.

"My name is Gardiff" The Giant growled, "and I'm here to bring you to your king" 

Gardiff kicked Loki away from him. Loki disappeared as he hit the ground and reappeared behind the giant, with a spear in his hand. He stabbed the giant and he fell to the ground. 

Guards swarmed into the dungeon with Lady Sif and the Warriors three leading them. Loki quickly turned back into his Asgardian form.

"Loki!" Sif called. 

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now