Old Enemies

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(Avery POV)

Thousands of Asgardians had gathered to pay their respects. There was a procession that began at the doors of the palace and led to the shore.

We won the war, but the price of it was great. Asgard lost a leader and Loki lost his mother.

I stood at the beginning of the rainbow bridge watching the funeral from afar. I wasn't Asgardian so I felt out of place being in those crowds, mourning a queen that wasn't mine. I, too, was saddened by her death but mostly because I knew how much she meant to Loki.

I was unable to find him after the battle was won and I could only pray that he was alright. I had not seen him the entire day. The battle ended last night and  Asgardians was mourning its losses. 

She lay on a boat that was covered in flowers. She rest in the center, her face covered with a clear veil. Her dress was a beautiful mix of red and orange that stood out amongst the procession.

Six palace guards dressed in some sort of ceremonial robes carried the small boat upon which Frigga lay. Odin and Thor followed behind as they made their way to the sea. 

Loki should be there, so where was he? 

I watched as they reached the ocean. The boat was set off into the calm waters and archers set fire to it. As the boat reached the edge of the ocean that then disappeared into what looked like space, Odin tapped a large staff against the sand, causing Frigga's remains to fly off into the sky. 

I could tell Thor was fighting off tears as he made his way back to the palace. 

I mounted my horse and also made my way back. 

(3rd Person POV)

Loki stood amidst what used to be his room. What was left were the rubbles and debris that Loki's anger and grief had left. A large portion of the palace was destroyed so his chambers only added to the mess. Loki dropped to his knees, his heart aching for his mother. For the first time in a long time, Loki let himself cry. 

He never went to Frigga's funeral. He was unconscious. 

Loki let out a cry in anger but his voice cracked. 

He almost didn't notice Thor make his way through the ruins of the palace and kneel next to Loki. Thor's eyes were red from crying as well, though he hid it well. 

Thor put a hand on Loki's shoulder in an attempt to comfort his despairing brother. 

"It's my fault" Loki managed, "all of it"


"I'm sorry, Thor" Loki said daring to look into Thor's eyes, "I know I don't deserve it, but forgive me because I cannot forgive myself for this" 

"Loki, you cannot blame yourself for this"

"I gave them the Casket, I betrayed Asgard, I betrayed mother!" 

"I know what she meant to you, Loki" Thor said solemnly, his voice threatening to falter, "this is hard for me too, but I do not blame you." 

"Brother, please say you forgive me" Loki begged. He needed to hear Thor say it. 

"Brother?" Thor asked. Loki had not addressed him as his brother in a long time. 

"Thor, you are the only family I have left, and I need you to forgive me for forgetting that you are my brother, for betraying you, and taking our mother away from us," Loki said as a tear rolled down his cheek. 

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