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 (Loki POV)

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a couple times to see clearly. Was I dead? I noticed some of my wounds were already healed and somebody had tended to them.  There was somebody sitting on the floor next to me. I groaned in pain as I turned my head to see who it was. 

"Do not hurt yourself, brother" said a familiar voice that belonged to Thor. 

"What are you doing here?" I managed to ask.

"I spoke to Heimdall" Thor said, " He told me you were in trouble so I came to help"

"What of fath- Odin?" I asked. Surely Odin would rather see me die. 

"No, he knows not that I am here with you" 

"Why did you come?" I whispered to save my strength.

"Unlike father, I still have hope for you" Thor said, "And I did not want to see you die"

I closed my eyes. 

"Stay awake brother, it is better for your health at the moment" Thor said. What did he know about this?

" Should I not rest?" 

"If you lose consciousness now you may not awaken again" Thor said seriously.

"I see not the reason you help me" I said, " He'll come for me again" 

"Who?" Thor asked, "Who did this to you?" 

I breathed heavily. 

"When i..." I paused to catch my breath, "attempted to conquer Midgard, I was not alone"

Thor looked at me in the eyes

"I wondered how you came across the Chitauri" He said.

"How long was I out for?" I asked Thor. 

"Three Midgardian days" I opened my eyes surprised. 

Three days? Avery must be worried. My magic must be a little stonger. 

I concentrated on the wounds on my arms. They slowly started to disappear. I knew Thor would be wondering how I had magic but I didn't care. He would not tell Odin, I was sure of that.

"How?" Thor said taking one of my arms in his hand. 

"Magic" I smirked giving him the obvious answer.

"Brother, father took away your magic" I smirked again.

"Counter spell" I said simply. 

"Yet you have not healed yourself completely, why?" Thor asked. 

"I didn't work as I expected."

I put my hand over my chest. My hands started to glow with magic and the broken ribs I had began to heal. 

"Agggh!" I cried in pain. My magic could heal but it still hurt. 

"Do not tell Odin of my magic" I said, "and tell Heimdall not to do so either. I cannot survive without it as I am in danger of being attacked at any moment"

Thor nodded. 

"You still haven't told me who is attacking you" 

It was getting easier to talk now that my magic healed me a bit. 

"I got the Chitauri from The Other" I said as Thor looked at me concerned, "As we both know he's a loyal servant to him" 

"Thanos?" Thor asked with a worried expression on his face. 

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now