Last Chance

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Chapter 2

(3rd person POV)

Loki's eyes widened in a flash of fear, but then he looked down defeated. 

"But Father-" Thor made an effort to aid Loki. 

"Thor, my decision is final," Odin said. "Do you dare challenge me?" 

"You would really have your own son killed?" Thor asked.

"You are my son, Thor" Odin said, "Loki, is no son of mine" 

"He may not be your son, but he is my brother!" Thor said angrily. 

Frigga, who had been silently standing behind Odin, finally reacted, taking Odin aside. 

"Odin how could you say that!" Frigga cried out, "we raised him, he grew up with us! He is as much of are son as Thor is" 

"He is Laufeyson" Odin spat. His hatred towards the name Laufey was evident. 

"If you do this you lose me, Odin" Frigga spat. "Loki is my son and you will not take him away from me!" 

"You can't be serious!" Odin cried, "Didn't you see what Loki did to Midgard?"

"You didn't let him speak up for himself" Frigga said

"I did and he lied"

"You don't know that." 

Odin sighed. And turned back to Loki and Thor. 

"Loki Laufeyson, I overturn your verdict to be put to death." Odin said reluctantly and bitterly, "Instead, you are to be banished to Midgard to learn to live as and love the race you tried so hard to conquer" 

"What?!" Loki cried, "They won't accept me! I'd rather die!" 

"Not my problem," Odin said, "You will be stripped of your magic and banished however long it takes you to exhibit true mortal qualities. Show compassion, love, kindness, and mercy. And last of all you must truly be accepted by somebody."

This sounded nearly impossible for Loki. 

Odin stepped down from the throne and held out his hand facing Loki. Thor took a few steps back.


A blinding light filled the throne room as Loki disappeared from it.

What nobody noticed was Loki mumble one last spell before he disappeared. 


(Loki POV)

The light blinded my eyes as I fell into what seemed like an endless abyss. After some time, I landed on hard ground with a painful thud. 

I sat up slowly ignoring my aching bones and opened my eyes to darkness.

Why does everything hurt?

It didn't hurt this badly when I landed here the first time. 

I tried getting up but fell down instantly with an unbearable pain on my left ankle. 

Is it broken? That's not even possible. I'm a God that doesn't happen!

I tried to magically heal it. Nothing happened. 

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now