Ever After

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(Avery POV)

"My lady, wake up" my handmaiden, Saga, said frantically making her way over to my window and opening the curtains, "we have little time to get you ready for your wedding!"

Is it Friday already?

I groaned and winced at the incoming light. 

Couldn't Loki have picked a later time in the day? Not that I wasn't completely excited over the fact that I was about to marry the love of my life, but it would take me a few minutes to wake up and realize this. 

Saga sighed realizing I had put my pillow over my head in an attempt to fall asleep. She walked over to my bed, took my pillow and just about dragged me out of bed and into the bathtub. 

"Okay, okay," I said, "I can bathe myself" 

"You certainly will not, it is Asgardian tradition that your handmaidens prepare you for your wedding"

"I can bathe myself" I repeated. That came out a bit more harshly than intended. 

She hesitated for a moment but then complied, "as you wish my lady"

The water certainly woke me up. 

"I can only give you ten minutes to bathe, you are already behind schedule," Saga informed me. 

I lay my head back on the edge of the bathtub and closed my eyes.

Was I ready for this? To get married? 

I loved Loki with every fiber of my being, but was marrying the right decision? 

Well of course it is!, I yelled at myself.

I opened my eyes again and sat up. I took a deep breath. 

"Avery Laufeyson" I said. It had a nice ring to it. 

Wrapping myself in a towel, I left the bathroom and went to my room leaving a trail of wet footsteps behind me. 

I found the most beautiful wedding dress waiting for me, laid out on my bed. It was white satin gown with a pale shade of silver noticeable only in direct light. Before I could continue marveling at my dress, Saga entered my room followed my five more handmaidens who rushed to dress me and prepare me for the wedding. 

"Can I see Loki?" I asked right before gasping for breath. Am I supposed to be able to breath in this dress?

"Of course not, my lady," Saga replied, "Loki is preparing for the wedding as well, and it is against tradition to see him before you are wed." 

I finally realized why I had been woken up so early. It took hours for them to fit me into the dress alone!

But in the end, I looked into the mirror and almost didn't recognize myself. I looked beautiful!


I had been quickly briefed about how Asgardian weddings worked only a few hours prior and only about half of the information stuck in my brain as I stood before two grand golden doors waiting to be summoned. 

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now