Not Quite A Third Chance

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(Avery POV) 

I opened my eyes to see I was standing in the middle of a circular room shining gold. The surrounding walls were decorated with a pattern of circles. 

Thor embraced Loki's limp body. I looked up to see a tall black man dressed in golden armor. He took a sword out of some device thing which I wasn't exactly sure what it was. 

Next to him stood Frigga who ran to Loki as soon as we appeared.

Where were we? 

I glanced back at Loki who still looked pale with death. 

Another tear steamed down my face. 

"Oh, my son, you foolish boy" Frigga whispered gingerly putting one of her hands below his head holding it up a bit. She then put her hands over his chest whispering an incantation.

Loki coughed up blood and then proceeded to becoming unconscious again. 

"He's alive?!" I cred running up to him as well and kneeling in front of him next to his mother. 

Whatever his mother had done worked!

"Loki!" I exclaimed. 

"Hush darling, Loki needs to rest" Frigga said smoothly, "he'll be taken to the infirmary" 

"I don't think we've been properly introduced" I said, "I'm Avery Reids, Loki's friend" 

"Oh I think you're a little bit more than friends" Frigga chuckled. Thor took unconscious Loki in his arms and began carrying him out to the colorful (rainbow) bridge.  

I looked down at the floor a little embarrassed.

"Where am I?" I asked 

"Asgard, this is where Loki and Thor grew up, their home" Frigga said. She nodded towards Heimdall letting him know his services were no longer needed at the moment and gestured for me to follow. 

I'm in another realm. 

I, a regular, boring nurse from New York, am in another realm. 

A realm of freaking gods! 

"How did you know we were in trouble?" I asked Loki's mother trying to keep my cool.

"I didn't, Heimdall did" She replied. She saw the look of confusion on my face.

"The gatekeeper" She clarified. 

I nodded. 

"He summoned me when he saw Loki was dying" Frigga said, "His last act was one of love for you, there's still hope for him" 

"But his punishment had not been completed..." I started

"And I will discuss this with the Allfather, but for now Loki will be cared for" Frigga said.

"How did you bring him back, he died, I was there?" I asked.

"So many questions" Frigga chuckled, "magic. The spell I said over him returned his own magic and with it, his body began to heal itself subconsciously. You see, Asgardians heal quicker than mortals, however, those with magic heal even faster. With his magic, Loki wouldn't have died in the first place, it as only poison"  "

"Can I go see Loki now?" I said looking at the palace that stood out in the center of the huge golden city. 

"Not now, dear, Loki needs to rest up but you will be notified when he awakes" Frigga said.

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