Leap of Faith

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(Loki POV)

The wind rushed past my face at incredible speed. I could hear Avery's scream in my ear as she hit my chest with her fist. 

I'm sure she will hate me for this...

Now I needed to come up with a plan before we both died. 

Oh yea, I may have forgotten to mention I don't have a plan after jumping of the Helicarrier.....

I thought back to my childhood when I was looking for levitation spells. I remember I had found one but it was hard to master and I never did.....

I did remember how to do it though.....but I could only save one of us. Well, I knew I wouldn't die since I've fallen from space before but she would. I let her go and summoned dark energy with my mind and soul. I concentrated on the levitation spell. I noticed I got her to slow down a bit as we fell. 

There were only seconds left before impact and the rushing wind made it hard to concentrate. With a last push of magic I managed to keep her levitated right before I hit the ground and blacked out.

(Avery POV)

We had seconds before we would crash and die. 

"I WILL KILL YOU FOR THISSSS!" I screamed though I'm sure he couldn't hear me. 

He let go of me and I saw him concentrating on something. 

I started falling slowly until I stopped moving completely and Loki crashed into the ground. 

"Loki!!!!!!!" I yelled. 

He didn't answer. 

The spell he cast on me broke and I too fell to the ground but I was only about 8 feet into the air. 

I ran towards Loki. I checked his pulse to see if he was alive. 

He was still breathing. Barely. 

"Come on, you've fallen further than this wake up already" I pleaded. 

I noticed we landed in the middles of a field and there were a many houses nearby.

Where the hell were we? 

It was almost dawn but it was still raining a lot. 

I saw some of Loki's injuries slowly disappearing but only minor ones. 

Seeing as how I could do nothing else for Loki at the moment, I lay down next to him and closed my eyes. 

Only thing I could do is wait for him to get better. 

So I fell asleep next to him.

(Loki POV) 

I slowly opened my eyes. 

I saw a blurry light. The Midgardian birds chirped their songs. I tried to get up but it hurt. I groaned unintentionally waking up Avery. 

"Oh thank God you're awake" She said hugging me. 


"Oh sorry" she apologized getting of off me quickly. 

"Help me up will you" I ordered.

Every muscle and bone in my body ached but I wasn't about to show any sign of weakness. 

"You don't seem to have any broken bones this time though I really don't know why, in fact you should be dead" Avery said. 

"It will take a lot more than this to kill me" I said. 

I stood up slowly. 

"Come on" I said taking a few steps towards the houses at the end of the field. 

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now