What we do for Love

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(3rd Person POV) 

Most people had left the scene to give the despairing prince privacy. 

Loki was lost. He no longer had a mother and now he had lost the love of his life. 

The man he had become for her was no longer relevant without her. 

Odin, despite his hate for Loki, understood his pain. He took a step towards him to offer comfort but decided against it. He was no father to Loki, his condolences would do nothing for him. Odin had not realized that this mortal had meant so much to Loki. He feared this would be the end of Loki's alliance to Asgard since there was no longer anything to hold him to his humanity. 

Thor approached Loki and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Stand back" Loki muttered, wiping a tear from his face. 

"What?" Thor asked, not hearing him.

"Stand back" Loki said louder. 

Thor did as he asked.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Loki lay Avery's body out in front of him. 

"Saving her life"

"She's gone, Loki" Odin intervened, "there's nothing you can do for her" 

Loki began muttering words that Thor could not make out. Thor watched fretfully as the sun turned black. 

"Loki" Odin warned, "this is dark magic, I forbid you" 

Loki paid no heed as chanted louder in an ancient tongue. 

"Fjǫrlag dyrvǫrðr, stórr til forlǫg" 

Wind began to blow mildly as the sky turned dark. The only light now came from the lit torches that went all along the gardens. 

"Heyra sjá laða"

"Loki, if you go through with this, you will not come out of it alive!" Odin yelled as Loki closed his eyes and slit his wrist, dripping blood over Avery"

"fá blóð at blóð, ævi at til kykr, bani at til feifr" 

Avery began to glow. 

Thor looked between Odin and Loki completely confused about what was going on. Was there actually a way to bring back the dead?

"Loki, you don't even know this is going to work!" Odin scolded. If Loki could use this type of magic, he was more of a threat to Asgard than he thought. 

"áss at til evig, Ek koster meg selv" Loki chanted wearily. His hand shook slightly but Loki controlled it. 

The sun threatened to shine once more and the sky looked to be a battlefield between light and dark. 

"inn við" Loki now had a very light aura surrounding him. 

"Hel, Heyra sjá laða!" Loki yelled as the light became blinding and the sun retuned to its normal state. All the torches turned off at once in a gush of wind. 

When Thor could see again, Loki had collapsed beside Avery's body. Odin and Thor ran up to Loki. 

"Father, what did he do?" Thor asked. 

"Dark magic" Odin said gravely, "forbidden magic, magic he shouldn't know about" 

Thor stared in confusion. Odin checked Loki's pulse to see it was nonexistent. 

"But what has he done?" Thor asked. 

Odin shook his head, "he tried to exchange his life for hers. He's a fool" 

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