To Prove You Wrong

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(Loki POV) 

I sat on the edge of my bed practicing simple illusion spells. 

There were about 5 versions of myself in the room. One was looking out the window, one was sitting on the bed next to me mimicking my movements and the other three were just standing there while I thought of what to do with them.

I walked up to the one at the window. I concentrated on it and touched its shoulder. As I did it disappeared. My illusions seemed to disappear when touched. I had to fix that.

It was barely 9 AM and Avery was still asleep. I could hear Midgardian birds chirping outside my window. 

I remembered how I used to sit in the Palace gardens just lying on my back resting to the sound of the birds.

I yearned to go back to Asgard but not like this...but how it used to be.

I was a respected prince. People both respected and feared me. I was never anyone's favorite prince but I had luxuries others didn't and had privileges as a prince. 

If only I'd been able to grow up knowing who I was. Not living in a pathetic lie my whole life. Without the lie that I could be king.

I conjured a butterfly and watched it fly around the room gracefully before coming back to me and standing on my finger. It didn't disappear. 

I knew I would never be accepted here.

 To leave I had to show signs of compassion, love, mercy and kindness. But even if I accomplished all that someone had to accept me for who I am. 

This is hopeless.


 Sounds so simple yet...why is it so hard. 

I thought mercy would be easier but letting that SHIELD agent live left me with a want for bloodshed.

I guess it's in my a frost giant.


I instantly thought of Avery but then brushed the thought away. I fancied her but I am not capable of love... or so I've been told.

Besides even if I could love, there was no way she could love me back. 

And as for being accepted....

once again I thought of Avery but she doesn't accept me for who I am.

She wants me to change, become...human. 

Odin knew this was impossible. How des he expect me to find someone who accepts me for who I am now when I'm supposed to change who I am completely!

I would be stuck here in this damn realm for the rest of eternity. 

Yes this realm may be beautiful in some ways but all the corruption and people completely ruin it. Take that flight attendant. I would have gladly thrown her off the air craft if I was allowed to kill.

If I had Odin and SHIELD would be on my tail. If I killed anyone, I knew Odin would make sure I never saw the light of day again. He's likely watching my every move. Waiting there for me to make a wrong move and fail.

And then kill me since there's "no hope" for me. 

Some messed up family I have there. 

I got up from my bed and walked out of my chambers and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I hadn't eaten yet so I was hungry.

I opened the refrigerator and searched for something to eat. I was getting used to all the mortal technology and devices like refrigerators, televisions and phones. 

I grabbed a small plastic container that seemed to be filled with brown sustenance

Green Eyes and a Mischievous Heart (Loki Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now