{𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑}ten months

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𝐈𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐒 since the world Thea Thomas once knew ended. She has been traveling with Rick's group for going on eight months now. The whole group has adapted the best they could to the new world. It was hard though. . . Always being on the road, especially with Lori being very pregnant, Due any day now.

Thea had been welcomed into the group. It was almost like she had known them since the beginning. Glenn and Maggie tend to watch over her and take  care of her. She also became good friends with Carl and Dean, The two boys were her best friends.

The Thomas girl was sitting on a log in the woods with Major by her feet when the two heard a low whistle. Thea looked over to see Daryl. The man gave her a nod and She sighed before standing up. "Let's go, Major." She mumbled and the two of them followed Daryl back to the road.

Glenn got out of the driver's seat and opened the backseat door. "Everything okay while you were out there?" He asked, helping her put Major in the car.

Thea nodded. "Yep. Only saw one walker. Daryl took care of it." She responded before climbing into the car to sit by Major and Hershel.

The drive was quiet, Thea didn't mind it though. Quiet was what kept them safe.

 Quiet was what kept them safe

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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐃 gun tightly in her hands as she helped clear the house with some of the others while the rest of the group waited outside. She slowly approached a closet door. She was about to open it but stopped herself as the thought of that one walker girl, Emily.

She sighed and suddenly she heard footsteps from behind her. She quickly turned around, with her gun held high. She nearly hit Dean right across the face with it.

The Dixon boy jumped back and Thea's eyes widened as she lowered her gun. "What the hell, Dean?" She asked, slightly annoyed.

Dean looked at her weirdly. "First of all, you're the one that nearly blew my brains out, and second of all. . . Why haven't you checked the closet?" He nodded at the closet door.

Thea rolled her eyes. "I didn't almost blow your brains out. And, uh, the closet probably has nothing in it. It's a closet. Most likely full of clothes." She shrugged, glancing around.

Dean laughed a little and pushed her out of the way slightly. "I'll check it." He said before pulling the door open. He then gasped. "Oh my God!"

Thea's eyes widened and she ran up behind the boy. "What?" She asked, grabbing his arm.

Dean started laughing and he back up, his shoulder bumbing into her chest. Thea huffed looking into the closet to only see clothes.

She then slapped Dean's arm. "You asshole. I thought there was something bad in there." She said in a concerned voice.

Dean stopped laughing and he scoffed. "Like what? An axe murderer?" He sarcastically asked.

The girl shook her head and grabbed her bag. She then walked out of the room. Dean's eyes softened and he quickly followed her.

"Thea!" He called out, stopping her on the stairs. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for scaring you, Thea. Clearly whatever reason you didn't search the closet yourself really bothered you."

Thea rolled her eyes and the two of them started walking down the stairs. "It's whatever. . . I was just overreacting." She shrugged it off before heading over to Glenn and Maggie.

Glenn reached over and held a can of peanuts out to the girl. Thea smiled and took a handful before muttering a quiet thank you.

Carl soon walked out of the kitchen. He had two cans in his hands. Some of the others looked over, hoping that the boy had something good.

Thea sighed when she caught a glimpse of the word dog food on each of the cans. Figures, all the good stuff was pretty much all already picked over.

Rick stomped over to his son and took the nearly open can away from him and threw it at the wall. Major happily pranced over and started eating up the food.

Thea stood up and walked over to Carl. She held out some of her peanuts. "Here, I've already ate some." She told the boy as she dropped the peanuts into his hand.

"Thanks, Thea." Carl smiled.

Soon T-dog gave the signal that they needed to pack up and leave. The group head towards the back door and Glenn handed Thea her backpack as they headed out.

 The group head towards the back door and Glenn handed Thea her backpack as they headed out

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐖 back on the road. No set destination in mind. Thea hoped that they could find a place to settle down. A place safe enough for Lori to have the baby. A safe place where they didn't have to worry about walkers getting them while they slept. The group couldn't handle much more running. They were all tired and slowly they lost hope every. Single. Day.





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