thirty five: stop here

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"Jake, don't you- don't you think this... is getting a lil bit too much?" Yunhyo said, trying her best to stay calm. 

Jake was sitting on a bench as she stood infront of him, holding both of his hands. 

"What is, Yunhyo? I thought you were having fun! Are you perhaps scared of getting caught? I told you it won't happen, it hasen't happened til now." 

"Just... how many more times Jake? Tell me so I'll be prepared. Once a week? Once a day? Or do you just wanna live away somewhere?" 

"Hey! Is this how you talk to someone older? What's gotten into you suddenly?" Jake asked, frowning at how her tone sounded when she said those words. 

"Is that what's important right now? See, you're still not serious." Yunhyo freed her hands from his grasp and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I think we should stop here." 

"Stop here? What? Yunhyo what even are you so angry about?"

"Stop meeting me Jake! Stop talking to me, texting me and running away with me. I can't do this anymore. How many times do I have to say this to you? It's all fun for you but it's not for me. I'm not like this. I'm not a rebel! I'm not brave and reckless like you and all of this scares me-"

"I scare you?" Jake cut her off. 

There was silence as she avoided his eyes. 

"Tell me Yunhyo, are you scared of me?" his voice turned monotone. 

"I'm not scared of you Jake. I'm scared of your personality. I know you're a good person but you're also wild and free. I'm scared you'll slip through my fingers, scared that you'll lose control over yourself." her voice wasn't raised this time, rather she sounded almost defeated. 

"Yunhyo!" he snapped, "Is that what you think of me? You think that just because I'm not a sophisticated desciplined child, I'll lose control?" 

To say Yunhyo was surprised would be less. She had never seen Jake angry and so she unconsciously took a step backwards. 

"I thought atleast you would trust me." Jake got up and walked away. 

He stopped midway, not turning around he said, "Okay then. Let's not meet anymore. Let's not talk and text and waste our time anymore." 

He walked away and Yunhyo just stood there staring at where his figure had disappeared. She didn't know what to do. 

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