sixty seven: boyfriends

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Quick note!!

Thank you so much for 50k reads! I can't believe this :') you guys are amazing and I love you. Thank you so so much for the love and support ♡♡♡


"Noona... I can't ignore this uneasy feeling. It's been two days since we found out about Riki going missing and five days since he actually went missing. Shouldn't we report it to the police by now?"

"Jungwon-ah, don't think of stupid things. He seems like an unproblematic kid. I don't think he must be in a bad situation." Suyoung said while gently patting Jungwon's back who was sitting beside her. 

Nobody had heard from Riki since Jungwon's birthday. He wasn't picking up calls and replying to anyone's texts. 

Heeseung had managed to call Riki's sister but the ring only went through once and never again after that. 

Jake had already called his parents but they were too busy to attend the calls and said Riki was with his sister and the two of them were together somewhere.

The negligence made Jake want to pull out his hair. How could they not know and care where their own kids were? Not like Jake could immediately fly to Japan to knock some sense into them, or he would've.

"Suyoung-ah! Oh great Jungwon is here too. Heeseung hyung said Riki is here. Go find Sunoo!" Jay said in a go as he entered the cafeteria and found the table where the former two were sitting.

With a gasp, Suyoung ran towards the library- where she knew Sunoo would be. 

Jungwon on the other hand grasped on the older's shoulder, shaking him hard. 

"He is here? Did you see him? Is he okay?" he asked with his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Shh, calm down Wonnie. I don't know anything, you'll have to go see yourself."   

Hearing that, Jungwon practically fled the scene and towards the classroom where he was told Riki would be. Running down two flights of stairs, he did not care how many students he bumped into or how many times he tripped over his own feet. All he could hear was the loud beating of his heart and his own breathing.

Throwing the classroom door open he barged in, witnessing a startled Riki jump in his seat. 

He had been asleep on the last bench.


"Nishimura!" he ran towards the said male, gripping his shoulder with his hands. "Are you alright?"

"Me? Yes, why? What happened to me?" Riki asked, no emotions emitting from him besides a frown. 

"Shouldn't you be telling that to us? Where the hell were you? For five days? Without any calls and texts? Do you think it's funny?" 

"Jungwon-ssi... sit down, please. Calm down, do you want some water?" 

Jungwon gave him a hesitant look but Riki was adamant so he sat down quietly, deciding he should let the other explain. 

But it repeated like a deja vu- just when Riki was about to start talking, a panicked Sunoo ran in from the door with a yell.


"Hello to you too, Sunoo-ssi. What's with you two?" 

Sunoo's footsteps slowed down as he looked at a gloomy-looking Jungwon and an expressionless Riki sitting face to face.

"I guess you guys have the same questions. But why are you so panicky? Is this- is this about the conversation we had the other day?" he asked with wavering eyes.

"No! I mean it is, but that's the later part. For now, we just want to know if you're okay and where you disappeared." Sunoo said, joining Jungwon on the bench he was sitting on.  

"I didn't disappear," Riki spoke while air-quoting the word, "I just went camping with noona. Obviously, there's no network in the woods. I came back last night."

"That's- that's it? Why didn't you tell anyone beforehand?"

"I did tell Jake hyung and Heeseung hyung! I told them I'd be going camping this month. I even called them when I left but they were at your party and didn't pick up."

"So... that's it? We worried over nothing?" Sunoo asked with his shoulders slumped.

"You worried about me?" Riki asked as his eyes had a teasing glint and his lips formed a smirk.

"We did! To death! We almost called the police too. Happy now?" Jungwon snapped with a scoff.

"Yes, happy." Riki clapped in amusement.

"What's the deal with your parents though? We called them to ask about you and they didn't seem to care." Sunoo enquired. 

"Well, it's always been like that. They care more about their business and providing us with worldly things, which is why me and my sister moved here. We take care of each other." He spoke of her fondly, a warmth spreading in the other two males as well. 

"Also, I would like to explain myself properly, about the matter that happened last time. I want to confess that I like both of you. A lot. Yes, in a romantic way. And I don't-"

"I kissed Jungwon." 

Sunoo interrupted Riki's explanation, to which he earned a slap on the shoulder from Jungwon. 

Riki's eyes flickered back and forth between the two guys sitting in front of him and after a long moment, he cleared his throat. 

"...oh. So you two are together? Congratulations. I'm sorry I made things awkward with my confession. Please forget I said anything."

He hastily got up and bowed at the two, but just as he was about to run outside, Jungwon pulled him down by his wrist.

"Sit down, dumbass. It's not like that." 

Riki seemed surprised by the sudden informality. 

Sunoo and Jungwon shared a knowing look and then with a very determined expression, Jungwon began his interrogation. 

"You went on a date with me. Because you like me, right?" Riki nodded at his question. "Same with Sunoo, yeah? But then why do you think we agreed with it? Why do you think we went on the date?" 

"Because, uh, because you thought saying no would be rude?" Riki answered with a half-scared-half-confused expression.

Jungwon grunted in exasperation, throwing his head back.

Sunoo on the other hand, got up and stood in front of the confused male, bending down to his eye level. He gently hooked his finger under Riki's chin, making Riki widen his eyes with a stumped expression. 

"It's because we both like you, Riki. Can't you see?" he smiled sweetly as he stepped away, removing his hand as well. 

Riki stared at him, he felt like he was hit with a huge rock thrown at him at a 140m/ph speed. 

Jungwon was the first to break the silence, as he broke into a fit of giggles, Sunoo joining him too.

"I like you, Riki."

"Me too. I like you too."

"I- uh..." Riki spoke awkwardly, scratching the tip of his nose. "I like you both too. Like a lot." 

A tint of pink spread on his cheeks and he avoided eye contact by darting his eyes to the floor. 

The other two shared a look and then got up and then slowly approached Riki, engulfing him in a hug.

Riki was too shy to the point he had to hide his face in Jungwon's chest.

"So... are we boyfriends now?"

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