fifty eight: invite

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Sunoo was the last one in the now empty classroom, wiping the blackboard upon the teacher's request. He tried to reach for the higher parts of it, standing on his tip-toes.

"Move, I'll do it." he heard a voice and backed off when the duster in his hand was snatched. 

"Riki-ssi! What are you doing here?" he acknowledged the taller's presence.

"Helping you?" the latter continued wiping the board as there were a few moments of silence. 

"I heard you were invited to Jungwonie's birthday too?" Sunoo tried to strike up a conversation.

"Well I actually came here to ask you something about that..." Riki trailed off, hesitating as he distanced himself from the blackboard and turned to fully face Sunoo.

He stepped closer to Sunoo, gently holding one of his hands, testing if he was crossing any boundaries.

But he saw no discomfort in the latter's eyes so he allowed himself to feel the warmth of his palm in his own, without having a guilt-ridden heart.

He allowed himself to finally say the words he had practiced infront of the mirror for an hour.

"Sunoo-ssi... For Jungwon-ssi's party... would you like to be my date?" 

A soft gasp left the said male's lips and he prepared himself for an answer.

"Wait, what?!" 

In a moment both the males had turned around to look at the new source of voice.

Their eyes blew wide as they saw Yang Jungwon standing at the door.

"Wonnie it's not like tha-"

"It's okay Sunoo. I can see how it is," his piercing glare shifted from his best friend to the taller one, who gulped out of fear.

"You take me out on a date first but that doesn't matter because then you casually take him out and now you're again asking him out for my birthday. Why did you give me mixed signals if you were never interested in me in the first place, Riki-ssi?"

"Jungwon-ssi, I was going to ask you out too." Riki spoke up.

"What?!" Now it was Sunoo's turn to shout as he realised they were still holding hands and hurriedly let go of it.

"Why? Because you're a fucking player and decided to play with our hearts to pass some time?" The words spewing out of Jungwon's mouth dripped venom.

He took slow yet aggressive steps towards the taller and Sunoo rushed to hold him back from doing anything that would get them in trouble.

"I'm not a player Jungwon-ssi! It's more complicated than that. I didn't want to confess it in such a situation but seems like there is no other way out."

"Spit it out Nishimura Riki." Sunoo spat from beside his best friend.

"I... I like you both. I like you both the same. Not because I'm indecisive or because it's just some pass time for me, no. I do actually like you two. I like Jungwon-ssi just as much I like Sunoo-ssi. It's kinda complicated. I hate that I'm so selfish that I want both of you all to me. But I can't help it, my feelings are genuine."

His voice sounded so defeated.

"Riki-ssi... I'm sorry to be straightforward but are you perhaps polygamous?" Jungwon asked hesitantly.

He heard Sunoo whisper his name before receiving a stomp on his foot.

"Yes. That." Riki spoke with a sigh. "I can understand it is hard for the both of you to digest. I'll leave you two alone now. Find me if anything. I'm sorry for the misunderstandings."

With that, Riki walked out of the classroom rubbing his face out of distress and soon disappeared into the crowd.

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