twenty six: sunbae encounter

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"Um, Jang Yunhyo-ssi?" a voice followed behind the said girl as she walked through the school hallway. 

"Yeah that's me." she answered, turning around. 

"Park Sunghoon-ssi is looking for you, he's in the library." Choi Soobin, Jay and Suyoung's class president said, pushing his glasses up his nose bridge.

Yunhyo took a moment to read the boy's expression to see if he was just making fun of her and when she realised he wasn't, she fled towards the library. 

Her footsteps as well as her huffs were loud as she reached the entrance and fixed her hair and clothes before going inside. 

She instantly spotted him, he was reading a book sitting by the table. 

"Sunbae, you called?" Yunhyo asked in a hushed tone. 

"Hmm? O-oh yeah. Nothing, my mom wanted to give this to your mom." He said clearing his throat. He took out a small tiffin from his backpack and handed it to Yunhyo. 

Their fingers brushed as she took the parcel in hand and she quickly hid her tinted pink face. 

"Uhm thanks, I'll give this to her." Yunhyo bowed and ran out of the library, on her way to find any of her friend and tell them what had happened.  

She found Sunoo and Jungwon in the cafeteria; Sunoo nonstop talking with loud hand gestures and Jungwon just sitting there staring at his sandwich. 

"If you're not gonna eat it, I will." Yunhyo dragged the plate to herself and plopped down in the seat next to him. "Wassup?" 

"Oh I actually bought it for you." 

"Wonnie you're such a sweetheart!" Yunhyo declared as she threw her hands around Jungwon and he gave her tiny pats in return. 

She dug into her sandwich and told them how Sunghoon had called her and how they talked and how their hands touched. 

The two guys cringed at the cheesiness. 

"But to be honest, I thought you'd get over him since it was obvious that he doesn't like you back. And now you have Jake too." Sunoo said.

"Hah, not that easy. Also can you stop saying things about Jake? He's just my friend." Yunhyo replied with a frown and a pout evident on her face. 

Jungwon caught sight of a certain guy as he was looking around and watched him get closer with a tray in his hands. 

"Hi Riki!" Yunhyo said, waving enthusiastically for some reason. 

The mention of his name made him stop in his tracks and greet the three people sitting at the table. 

Riki looked over to see them all smiling at him and he felt a gush of emotions rush over him. He managed to give a weak smile and nod and hurried over to find his Heeseung hyung. 

Sunoo giggled at the sight and Yunhyo giggled at his cuteness. 

Jungwon slammed his fists on the table loudly, startling the other two and made his way outside with heavy steps. 

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